要循環投擲一切,直到用戶輸入正確的數字。當用戶輸入錯誤的號碼時,應該說「輸入不同的號碼」。當用戶輸入正確的數字時,應該說「恭喜你贏了」。 但在那之前它會循環並說「輸入不同的數字」,並且在5次嘗試之後,我想讓它說「你沒有完成這項任務!你想再試一次嗎?」與我的隨機數猜遊戲存在問題
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class Projekt_1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String number;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Welcome to the guessing game!" + "\nYou gonna guess a number between 1 and 20." + "\nHOPE YOU LIKE IT!:)");
Random amount = new Random();
int guessnumber = anount.nextInt(20);
int random;
number = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Guess a number between 1 and 20");
random = Integer.parseInt(number);
while (random == guessnumber){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You won!" + "\nYour number was" + "" + guessnumber);
if (random < guessnumber){
number = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Your number is to high :(" + "\nType in a new lower number!");
random = Integer.parseInt(number);
}else if (random > guessnumber){
number = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Your number is to low :(" + "\nType in a higher number!");
random = Integer.parseInt(number);
你用「你贏了」永遠不會打,並用代碼是它只會進入一個繁忙的循環輸出相同的消息(因爲它從來沒有else塊獲得新的輸入) – Krease
@Chris我簡化了解決方案的註釋,而不是長編碼,以提高可讀性。提示輸入是在我的代碼註釋'顯示消息「您的號碼太低...提示輸入」 '。即,自從op使用JOptionpane以來,他將同時顯示並提示。 – user3437460
@Chris無論如何,我編輯它使它更清晰。 – user3437460