你好 我遇到了一些與此有關的疑惑;我只想在視圖出現後執行一些操作,可能會在收集數據時顯示活動指示器。 我已經在viewWillAppear中編寫了我的代碼,但它似乎在視圖出現在屏幕上之前正在觸發。 我已經用一些NSLog語句檢查了這一點,並且我在viewWillAppear中添加了2秒的睡眠時間,NSLog語句被觸發,並且視圖僅在延遲2秒後出現 - 我期望,2秒延遲一次視圖出現在屏幕上?iphone;只有在視圖出現之後才做東西..觀看會出現嗎?
我做錯了什麼? 我甚至嘗試過viewDidAppear,同樣的事情。有什麼建議麼?
1. i have a parent view, which has a scroll view - and a subview
2. In the parent view, i create multiple instances of the subview and add them to the scrollview, creating scrollable views, which work.
3. Each view is passed an argument and depending on the argument the view contents change - works as expected.
4. I would like to show the subview and once its on the screen, do some internet opearations while i show an activity indicator, for this i need to use viewDidApper.
5. I am manually firing the subview's viewDidAppear from the parent view, once i have created its instance
@Abizern - 尼斯編輯隊友! :) – willcodejavaforfood 2010-12-02 10:24:53