2012-06-14 27 views

我正在使用Ext JS4處理項目。在我們的一些類中,我們在initComponent函數內部聲明函數,然後可以將它們設置爲控件的處理程序。我將在下面列舉一個例子。忽略大部分類中的內容,關鍵細節是Handlers在initComponent中聲明並設置爲按鈕的處理程序。在initComponent中聲明函數Ext JS4

現在,這實際上是工作 - 這裏的問題是爲什麼這個工程。我對JavaScript相當陌生,但我認爲一旦函數完成後,在函數中聲明的任何變量或函數都會被銷燬。這是不正確的?我很欣賞這可能會有更好的編碼風格,但在考慮更改類的負載之前,我真的很想在這個問題上得到解決。這個班級如下...一些評論確定了關鍵領域。

Ext.onReady(function() { 

     name: 'Form2', 
     thisForm: {}, 

     launch: function() { 
      thisForm = Ext.create('Form2', {}); 

Ext.define('Form2', { 
    extend: 'Ext.form.Panel', 

    config: { 
     controlManager: {}, 
     formVariables: {}, 
     dataHelper:  {} 

    constructor: function() { 
     var me = this; 


     // Initialize the form - I know, this might not be the be best coding style here. 

    initComponent: function() { 


    var ButtonControl1 = this.controlManager.createButton('ButtonControl1'); 

    var ButtonControl2 = this.controlManager.createButton('ButtonControl2'); 


    // Handler for Btton1 - **I'm not using the var keyword in this declaration** 
    function Handler1() { 
     alert('This Works!'); 

    // Handler for Btton2 - **I'm using the var keyword in this example** 
    var Handler2 = function() { 
     alert('This Works also!'); 

    // THIS IS THE KEY PART OF THIS QUESTION - even though the handler functions are declared 
    // locally (above), clicking the buttons will still execute these. Do the functions 
    // still exist by chance, and will be garbage collected at some later time, or are they 
    // actually quaranteed to be there. I'm confused! 

    ButtonControl1.onClickEventHandler = function() {Handler1();}; 

    ButtonControl2.onClickEventHandler = function() {Handler2();}; 

    // Don't need to worry about this part. 

    Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', { 
     style: { position:'relative' }, 
     defaults: { 
      collapsible: true, 
      split: true, 
      bodyStyle: 'padding:0px' 
      items: [ 
         collapsible: false, 
       split: false, 
        region: 'north', 
        height: 50, 
        margins: '0 2 0 2', 
        bbar: '', 
        items: [ ] 
        collapsible: false, 
        split: false, 
        margins: '0 0 0 0', 
        cmargins: '0 2 0 2', 
        width: 0, 
        lbar: [ ] 
        collapsible: false, 
        margins: '0 2 0 2', 
        layout: { 
         align: 'stretch', 
         type: 'hbox' 
        items: [ 
          xtype: 'form', 
          fileUpload: true, 
          layout: { 
           align: 'stretch', 
           type: 'vbox' 
          flex: 1, 
          items: [ 
           xtype: 'container', 
           height: 550, 
           layout: { 
            align: 'stretch', 
            type: 'hbox' 
           items: [ 
            xtype: 'container', 
            width: 570, 
            layout: 'vbox', 
            padding: '5 0 0 0', 
            style:'background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);', 
            items: [ 
             ButtonControl1, ButtonControl2 






在initComponent函數內部,onClickEventHandler是Handler1和Handler2函數的處理函數引用。 當initComponent運行完成時,因爲ButtonControl1和ButtonControl2不在initComponent的範圍內(但在onReady函數的範圍內),所以它們仍然處於活動狀態,因此它們也是它們所引用的所有對象。

var ButtonControl1 = ....; // this global variable object 
var ButtonControl2 = ....; // this global variable object 

initComponent: function() { 

    function Handler1() { 

    var Handler2 = function() { 

    // ButtonControl1 and ButtonControl2 are declared outside of initComponent. 
    // Unless these variables will be distroyed, they keep onClickEventHandler references to Handler1 and Handler2 objects and therefore these objects will alive outside the scope of initComponent. 
    ButtonControl1.onClickEventHandler = function() {Handler1();}; 
    ButtonControl2.onClickEventHandler = function() {Handler2();}; 


考慮onReady的範圍的最後一個功能是initComponent(即沒有定義的任何其它的事件處理程序)。 那麼爲什麼所有這些對象在initComponent完成後仍然保持活動?
