package housetracker;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class HouseList {
List<House> houseList;
private String defaultFileName = "houses.txt";
private String fileSeparator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
private String workingDirectory = (System.getProperty("user.dir") + this.fileSeparator);
private String listingsFile = workingDirectory + "txt_files" + this.fileSeparator + defaultFileName;
private BufferedReader br;
private FileReader fr;
private String line;
private Integer address;
private String street;
private double price;
private int rooms;
DecimalFormat moneyFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
public HouseList() {
houseList = new ArrayList();
public void FillArray() {
private void fillArray() {
houseList.add(new House(123, "Main", 75000.00, 2));
houseList.add(new House(621, "Mystreet", 175000.00, 5));
houseList.add(new House(4568, "1st", 725000.00, 8));
houseList.add(new House(5546, "Broadway", 85600.00, 3));
houseList.add(new House(8744, "Texas", 195610.00, 6));
houseList.add(new House(45454, "Maine", 125000.00, 4));
houseList.add(new House(4465, "Main", 375000.00, 2));
public void LoadListings(String fileName) {
//Load the listings file into the array.
private void loadListings(String fileName) {
// Clear variables
this.br = null;
this.fr = null;
this.line = null;
try {
// Set FileReader to access the user specified file name.
this.fr = new FileReader(fileName);
// Use a BufferedReader to load file into memory.
this.br = new BufferedReader(this.fr);
// Read file contents a line at a time until file returns null.
while ((line = this.br.readLine()) != null) {
// Let StringTokenizer parse each line and split data into elements
// using an empty space as the separator.
StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, " ");
// Loop through each each element of the line
while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
this.address = Integer.parseInt(stringTokenizer.nextElement().toString());
this.street = stringTokenizer.nextElement().toString();
this.price = Double.parseDouble(stringTokenizer.nextElement().toString());
this.rooms = Integer.parseInt(stringTokenizer.nextElement().toString());
// Format price to look like money.
// Build a string just because I can
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("\nAddress : ").append(this.address);
sb.append("\nStreet : ").append(this.street.toUpperCase());
sb.append("\nPrice : ").append(this.price);
sb.append("\nRooms : ").append(this.rooms);
// Add data to array
houseList.add(new House(this.address, this.street, this.price, this.rooms));
System.out.println("Array is loaded");
// Set a variable indicating array is loaded and ready for transactions.
//this.isArrayLoaded = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
// Catch any IO errors while accessing the file and alert the user.
System.out.println("An IO error occured while accessing " + fileName + ". Operation terminated.\n\n" + e);
//this.isArrayLoaded = false;
} finally {
try {
// Close file operations
if (this.br != null) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("\n\n" + ex + "\n");
//return this.isArrayLoaded;
public void showHouses() {
Iterator<House> itr = houseList.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
package housetracker;
public class House {
private int address;
private String street;
private double price;
private int rooms;
public House(int address, String street, double price, int rooms) {
this.address = address;
this.street = street;
this.price = price;
this.rooms = rooms;
public void SetAddress (int address){
private void setAddress (int address){
this.address = address;
public void SetStreet (String street){
private void setStreet(String street){
this.street = street;
public void SetPrice (double price){
private void setPrice (double price){
this.price = price;
public void SetRooms(int rooms){
private void setRooms(int rooms){
this.rooms = rooms;
public int GetAddress (int address){
address = getAddress(address);
return address;
private int getAddress (int address){
return address;
public String GetStreet (String street){
street = getStreet(street);
return street;
private String getStreet(String street){
return street;
public double GetPrice (double price){
price = getPrice(price);
return price;
private double getPrice (double price){
return price;
public int GetRooms(int rooms){
rooms = getRooms(rooms);
return rooms;
private int getRooms(int rooms){
return rooms;
public String toString() {
return address + " " + street + " " + price + " " + rooms;
是與所有問題相關的代碼? – sjr
@sjr我在質疑爲什麼代碼在沒有主要方法的情況下運行,所以我認爲是這樣。爲什麼只有一塊代碼?爲什麼不是全部?我發佈了一切,所以也許有人可以告訴我發生了什麼事情,爲什麼。你的評論如何對這篇文章做出貢獻? – Michael
你有什麼嘗試?那麼你如何在塊運行之前放置一個塊?如何在這裏發佈整個代碼來說明問題? – sjr