2016-04-13 26 views

我正嘗試將GraphQL Java(https://github.com/andimarek/graphql-java)原型化並開始從hello world示例構建它。我正在使用GraphiQL來調用帶有模式的graphQL服務,它正在爲模式{hello1}工作,但不適用於模式{testPojo}。請在下面找到我正在運行的代碼。有人能讓我知道下面的代碼有什麼問題。Graphql Java hello world:向父架構添加子架構失敗

static GraphQLSchema schema = null; 
    * POJO to be returned for service method 2 
    * @author 
private class TestPojo { 
    String id; 
    String name; 

    TestPojo(String id, String name) { 
     this.id = id; 
     this.name = name; 

    public String getId() { 
     return id; 

    public void setId(String id) { 
     this.id = id; 

    public String getName() { 
     return name; 

    public void setName(String name) { 
     this.name = name; 

* service method 1 
* @return 
public String greeting1() { 
    return "Hello123"; 

* service method 2 
* @return 
public TestPojo greeting2() { 
    return new TestPojo("1","Jack"); 

* GraphQl endpoint invoked using GraphiQl 
* @param query 
* @return 
public Object testGraphQLWithQuery(@RequestParam("query") String query) { 
    return new GraphQL(schema).execute(query).getData(); 

// Schema definition for graphQL 
static { 

    // sub schema to be added to parent schema 
    GraphQLObjectType testPojo = newObject().name("TestPojo").description("This is a test POJO") 

    // parent schema 
    GraphQLObjectType queryType = newObject().name("helloWorldQuery") 
      .field(newFieldDefinition().type(GraphQLString).name("hello1").dataFetcher(new DataFetcher() { 

       public Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment arg0) { 
        Object a = new GrapgQLSampleController().greeting1(); 
        return a; 
      .field(newFieldDefinition().type(testPojo).name("testPojo").dataFetcher(new DataFetcher() { 

       public Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment arg0) { 
        Object a = new GrapgQLSampleController().greeting2(); 
        return a; 

    schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema().query(queryType).build(); 




如果你的問題是爲什麼查詢{testPojo}是無效的,那麼你應該已經閱讀你得到的錯誤:子選擇是必需的。您無法在GraphQL中選擇整個複雜對象,您必須指定所需的子字段,例如{testPojo {id, name}}是一個有效的查詢,適用於您的模式。