2013-02-25 31 views


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<title>Homework 3 Part 3</title> 
<style type="text/css"> 
tr.visiting {background-color: #000000; } 

h1.header {color: #333333;} 
.creditbox { 

    background-color: #ffcc66; 
    width: 60%; 
    border:solid 5px #666666; 


table { 
    text-align: right; 
td.visiting {background-color: #000000; } 
input {text-align: right;} 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
/* <![CDATA[ */ 

function creditCalc() 
    var account, credLim, begBalance, totalCharged, credit, balance, endBalance; 

    account = parseInt(document.creditLimitForm.accountNum.value); 
    credLim = parseInt(document.creditLimitForm.creditLimit.value); 
    begBalance = parseInt(document.creditLimitForm.beginningBalance.value); 
    totalCharged = parseInt(document.creditLimitForm.amtCharged.value); 
    credit = parseInt(document.creditLimitForm.creditsApplied.value); 

    balance = begBalance + totalCharged; 
    endBalance = balance - credit; 

    documemt.creditLimitForm.creditDisplay.value("Account Number: " + account + "\nCredit Limit: " + credLim + "\nBeginning Balance: " + begBalance + "\nTotal Charged this month: " + totalCharged + "\nTotal credits this month: " + credit + "\nCredit Available: " + endBalance); 

document.getElementById("creditAvailable").innerHTML = endBalance; 




<body bgcolor = "#ffffff" alink = "#FFFFCC" link = "#FFFFCC" vlink = "#FFFFCC"> 
<table id="border" width="70%" align ="center" cellpadding="0"> 
     <td align="center"> 
      <img src="hw3Banner.jpg" alt="Homework Banner" align="middle" /> 
    <br /> 
    <table border="1" width="500" align ="center" bgcolor="#666666" cellpadding="2.5"> 
    <tr><td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3.html">HW 3 Main</a></td> 
    <td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt1.html">Part 1</a></td> 
    <td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt2.html">Part 2</td> 
    <td class="visiting" align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt3.html">Part 3</a></td> 
    <td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt4.html">Part 4</a></td> 
    <td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt5.html">Part 5</a></td> 
    <td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt6.html">Part 6</a></td></tr></table> 

<br /> 
<div class="creditbox" align="center" > 
<form name="creditLimitForm" action=""> 
<br /> 
<h1 class="header">Customer Credit Limit Check</h1> 
<br /> 

<table class="creditLimitForm"> 
<td>Customer Account Number:</td> 
<td><input type="text" id="accountNum" name="accountNum" size="15" /></td> 
<td>1st of Month Balance: </td> 
<td>$<input type="text" id="beginningBalance" name="beginningBalance" size="15" /></td></tr> 
<td>Total charged by customer this month: </td> 
<td>$<input type="text" id="amtCharged" name="amtCharged" size="15" /></td> 
<td>Total credits applied to account </td> 
<td>$<input type="text" id="creditsApplied" name="creditsApplied" size="15" /></td> 
<td>Allowed Credit Limit</td> 
<td>$<input type="text" id= "creditLimit" name="creditLimit" size="15" /></td> 

<br /> 
<textarea rows="7" cols="50" name="creditDisplay"></textarea> 
<br /><br /> 
<input type="button" onclick="creditCalc();" value="Check Credit" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 

<input type="reset" value="Reset Form" /> 

<p>Credit Available: </p> 
<p id="creditAvailable"></p> 

<br /> 
<br /> 



您的瀏覽器的調試器如何? – 2013-02-25 05:14:40


Firebug lite :) – EnterJQ 2013-02-25 05:15:59


與你的問題無關,但你應該拋棄XML序言,文檔類型和語法。使用普通的'<!DOCTYPE html>'。 XHTML過渡性DOCTYPE(可追溯到2000年)只適用於不理解XML的瀏覽器,並且幫助從未發生的從HTML到XML的過渡,所以不要使用它。 – RobG 2013-02-25 05:41:11








inspect element 




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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> 

<title>Homework 3 Part 3</title> 
<style type="text/css"> 
tr.visiting {background-color: #000000; } 

h1.header {color: #333333;} 
.creditbox { 

    background-color: #ffcc66; 
    width: 60%; 
    border:solid 5px #666666; 


table { 
    text-align: right; 
td.visiting {background-color: #000000; } 
input {text-align: right;} 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
/* <![CDATA[ */ 

function creditCalc() 
var account, credLim, begBalance, totalCharged, credit, balance, endBalance; 

    account = parseInt(document.creditLimitForm.accountNum.value); 
    credLim = parseInt(document.creditLimitForm.creditLimit.value); 
    begBalance = parseInt(document.creditLimitForm.beginningBalance.value); 
    totalCharged = parseInt(document.creditLimitForm.amtCharged.value); 
    credit = parseInt(document.creditLimitForm.creditsApplied.value); 

    balance = begBalance + totalCharged; 
    endBalance = balance - credit; 
    documemt.creditLimitForm.creditDisplay.value("Account Number: " + account + "\nCredit Limit: " + credLim + "\nBeginning Balance: " + begBalance + "\nTotal Charged this month: " + totalCharged + "\nTotal credits this month: " + credit + "\nCredit Available: " + endBalance);*/ 

document.getElementById("creditAvailable").innerHTML = "Account Number: " + account + "\nCredit Limit: " + credLim + "\nBeginning Balance: " + begBalance + "\nTotal Charged this month: " + totalCharged + "\nTotal credits this month: " + credit + "\nCredit Available: " + endBalance; 




<body bgcolor = "#ffffff" alink = "#FFFFCC" link = "#FFFFCC" vlink = "#FFFFCC"> 
<table id="border" width="70%" align ="center" cellpadding="0"> 
     <td align="center"> 
      <img src="hw3Banner.jpg" alt="Homework Banner" align="middle" /> 
    <br /> 
    <table border="1" width="500" align ="center" bgcolor="#666666" cellpadding="2.5"> 
    <tr><td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3.html">HW 3 Main</a></td> 
    <td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt1.html">Part 1</a></td> 
    <td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt2.html">Part 2</td> 
    <td class="visiting" align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt3.html">Part 3</a></td> 
    <td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt4.html">Part 4</a></td> 
    <td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt5.html">Part 5</a></td> 
    <td align = "center"><font face ="baskerville" color="#FFFFCC" /><a href="homework3pt6.html">Part 6</a></td></tr></table> 

<br /> 
<div class="creditbox" align="center" > 
<form name="creditLimitForm" action=""> 
<br /> 
<h1 class="header">Customer Credit Limit Check</h1> 
<br /> 

<table class="creditLimitForm" id="creditLimitForm"> 
<td>Customer Account Number:</td> 
<td><input type="text" id="accountNum" name="accountNum" size="15" /></td> 
<td>1st of Month Balance: </td> 
<td>$<input type="text" id="beginningBalance" name="beginningBalance" size="15" /></td></tr> 
<td>Total charged by customer this month: </td> 
<td>$<input type="text" id="amtCharged" name="amtCharged" size="15" /></td> 
<td>Total credits applied to account </td> 
<td>$<input type="text" id="creditsApplied" name="creditsApplied" size="15" /></td> 
<td>Allowed Credit Limit</td> 
<td>$<input type="text" id= "creditLimit" name="creditLimit" size="15" /></td> 

<br /> 
<textarea rows="7" cols="50" name="creditDisplay"></textarea> 
<br /><br /> 
<input type="button" onclick="creditCalc();" value="Check Credit" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 

<input type="reset" value="Reset Form" /> 

<p>Credit Available: </p> 
<p id="creditAvailable"></p> 

<br /> 
<br /> 
the problem with your this line otherwise its working fine.just try with alert instead. 

    documemt.creditLimitForm.creditDisplay.value("Account Number: " + account + "\nCredit Limit: " + credLim + "\nBeginning Balance: " + begBalance + "\nTotal Charged this month: " + totalCharged + "\nTotal credits this month: " + credit + "\nCredit Available: " + endBalance); 


