2015-01-02 65 views

我期待在Excel中創建用戶定義的函數在Excel的範圍替換(2010,Visual Basic中7)呼籲CODEMATCH即會正則表達式匹配和使用Visual Basic功能

1. Take a range as an input 
2. Preserve the structure of the range when outputting 
3. On each value in the range: 
    a. If the value matches [matchPattern]: 
     i. regex match the value against [matchPattern] and store it as [var1] 
     ii. regex replace [var1] against [stripPattern] and store it as [var2] 
     iii. return [var2] 
    b. If the value does not match [matchPattern]: 
     i. return an empty value 

    matchPattern = "^[^A-Z0-9:]*[A-Z0-9][^A-Z0-9:]*[A-Z0-9]?" 
    stripPattern = "[^A-Z0-9]*" 

    RegEx match is not global and respects case 
    RexEx replace is global and respects case 

Such that 
    "Nobody Cares about Bob" returns "NC" 
    "1 Duck for Jody" returns "1D" 
    "Apples: I Don't Like Them" returns "A" 
    "foobar" returns "" 

部分我的痛苦是我是新來的Visual Basic。我認爲,我的一部分痛苦來自Visual Basic中存在的RegEx的多個版本,並且不知道哪個版本需要哪些屬性。


Function CODEMATCH(ByVal valueIN As String) As String 

Set matchRegEx = New RegExp 
    matchRegEx.Pattern = "(sdi \d+)" '<--what's giving me difficulty 
    matchRegEx.Global = False 
    matchRegEx.IgnoreCase = False 

Set matches = matchRegEx.Execute(valueIN) 

If matches.Count <> 0 Then 
    CODEMATCH = matches.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(0) 
    CODEMATCH = "" 
End If 

End Function 



難道只是我,還是會'VAR1 = regex.Match(valueIn,matchPattern); var2 = regex.Replace(var1,stripPattern,「」)'太明顯了? –


爲什麼不把'matchPattern As String'作爲函數的另一個輸入並將它與'matchRegEx.Pattern = matchPattern'一起使用? – TheEngineer


請參閱下文,我使用了兩個步驟的過程,一個用於匹配的Execute和一個用於替換條紋的Replace。不需要submatches – brettdj



這是怎麼回事? :)

Function CODEMATCH(ByVal valueIN As String) As String 

Dim strTemp As String 
Set matchRegEx = New RegExp 
With matchRegEx 
    .Pattern = "[^A-Z0-9:]*[A-Z0-9][^A-Z0-9:]*[A-Z0-9]?" 
    .Global = False 
    .IgnoreCase = False 
If .Test(valueIN) Then 
    Set matches = .Execute(valueIN) 
    .Pattern = "[^A-Z0-9]*" 
    .Global = True 
    strTemp = matches(0) 
    CODEMATCH = .Replace(strTemp, vbNullString) 
CODEMATCH = vbNullString 
End If 
End With 

End Function 


Sub Test() 
Debug.Print CODEMATCH("Nobody Cares about Bob") 
Debug.Print CODEMATCH("1 Duck for Jody") 
Debug.Print CODEMATCH("Apples: I Don't Like Them") 
Debug.Print CODEMATCH("foobar") 
End Sub 

該代碼可以很好地工作......直到能夠將範圍而不是字符串作爲輸入;並輸出一個範圍。我知道它不僅僅需要'CODEMATCH(ByVal valueIN As Range)'來輸出一個範圍,因爲'CODEMATCH =',但我不知道該怎麼做。 –


@BrandonLebedev如果您的數據在'A1:A10'等等,然後在B1 put ='CODEMATCH(A1)'中,並複製到B10。或者你是否希望以編程方式執行此操作 – brettdj


最初的規範是用於以編程方式輸入和輸出數組的函數 –