我正在運行Magento EE ver。使用C#和XML-RPC.Net v2庫(CookComputing.XmlRpcV2.dll)將數據與Magento集成。
我通過注意在空發票是「0」,這是我在餵了Send invoice on email (optional)
字段的值註釋在這項決議迷迷糊糊的,並決定嘗試註釋前插入一個空元素,和註釋顯示但物品仍未開具發票。然後,我在項目列表和所有工作之前移動了空元素。我檢查了API /app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Invoice/Api.php的代碼,但找不到這種情況或原因。我唯一的猜測是,它與解析XML-RPC請求的庫沒有得到正確的結果有關,因爲這個調用在其他參數中間有一個數組。
logger = new RequestResponseLogger();
logger.Directory = "C:\Temp\";
// call to Magento that I want to see the XML for request and responses to
// Get the order items that need to be invoiced
// this.orderInfo is the XmlRpcStruct returned from a sales_order.info call
XmlRpcStruct[] orderItems = this.orderInfo.Contains("items") ? (XmlRpcStruct[]) this.orderInfo["items"] : new XmlRpcStruct[] { };
XmlRpcStruct orderItemsToInvoice = new XmlRpcStruct();
Int32 orderItemId;
Int32 qtyOrdered;
Int32 qtyInvoiced;
Int32 qtyToInvoice;
foreach (XmlRpcStruct item in orderItems)
orderItemId = item.Contains("item_id") ? Convert.ToInt32(item["item_id"]) : 0;
qtyOrdered = item.Contains("qty_ordered") ? Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(item["qty_ordered"])) : 0;
qtyInvoiced = item.Contains("qty_invoiced") ? Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(item["qty_invoiced"])) : 0;
qtyToInvoice = qtyOrdered - qtyInvoiced;
orderItemsToInvoice[Convert.ToString(orderItemId)] = Convert.ToString(qtyToInvoice);
// Invoice This Order with a comment
String newInvoiceId = magentoProxy.salesOrderInvoiceCreate(sessionId: sessionId, arguments: new Object[] {
this.MageIncrementId, // Order increment ID
"", // this should not need to be here, but for some reason if I want to include a comment
// on the invoice I have to thave this extra empty element before the array of order items
// if no comment is included on the invoice this extra element is not needed, rather weird, I can not explain it.
orderItemsToInvoice, // array itemsQty Array of orderItemIdQty (quantity of items to invoice)
"Automatically invoiced prior to CounterPoint import." // Invoice Comment (optional)
//"0", // Send invoice on email (optional) defaults to false
//"0" // Include comments in email (optional) defaults to false
// Invoice This Order without a comment
String newInvoiceId = magentoProxy.salesOrderInvoiceCreate(sessionId: sessionId, arguments: new Object[] {
this.MageIncrementId, // Order increment ID
orderItemsToInvoice // array itemsQty Array of orderItemIdQty (quantity of items to invoice)
謝謝 - XmlRpcStruct真的很有用! – Eleasar
Magento EE 1.13修復了很多API調用的bug。我還發現,我能夠輕鬆地獲得一個SOAP示例以使用EE 1.13,所以有一種使用XML-RPC的替代方案。我使用SOAP和EE 1.13做了一個概念證明項目(使用禮品卡),並且代碼更加簡單。我希望將XML-RPC轉換爲SOAP,以便繼續進行Magento API調用。 – mttjohnson