2012-06-07 22 views

我正在使用GNU ARM工具鏈(arm-elf-gcc)。我有一個程序集文件和一個調用在程序集文件中定義的全局方法的c文件。我可以成功地調用c中的單個裝配方法,但我無法弄清楚如何調用本身調用另一個裝配方法的裝配方法。我希望這兩個彙編方法都可以從c中調用,並且位於同一個文件中。分支臂組件



@ ARM Assembler Library for absolute value 

    .align 2     @ Align to word boundary 
    .arm      @ This is ARM code 
    .global asm_abs    @ This makes it a real symbol 
    .global asm_two_abs   @ This makes it a real symbol 

@ ABS Func. Compiler just does "rsblt r0, r0, #0" but this is more fun. 
    asm_abs:      @ Start of function definition 
     mov  r2, #1    @ Set the least bit high in r2 
     mov  r2, r2, lsl#31  @ Shift that bit all the way to the sign slot 
     orr  r2, r2, r0   @ XOR with input (r0) to set ensure negative 
     cmp  r2, r0    @ compare a for-sure neg input with input 
     bne  asm_abs_ret   @ if not equal, input was pos, so return 
     sub  r0, r0, r0, lsl#1 @ else set input = input - (2*input) 
     mov  pc, lr    @ Set program counter to lr (was set by caller) 

    asm_two_abs:      @ Start of function definition 
     bl  asm_abs     @ Should set r0 = abs(r0) 
     mov  r2, r0     @ set r2 = r0 
     mov  r0, r1     @ set r0 = r1 
     bl  asm_abs     @ Should set r0 = abs(r0) 
     add  r0, r0, r2    @ set r0 = r0 + r2 
     mov  pc, lr     @ Set program counter to lr (was set by caller) 


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    extern int asm_abs(int a); 
    extern int asm_two_abs(int a, int b); 

    int m = atoi(argv[1]); 
    int n = atoi(argv[2]); 
    int r = asm_two_abs(m, n); 

    printf("%d\n", r); 

    return 0; 



@ ARM Assembler Library for absolute value 

    .align 2     @ Align to word boundary 
    .arm      @ This is ARM code 
    .global asm_abs    @ This makes it a real symbol 
    .global asm_mod    @ This makes it a real symbol 

@ ABS Func. Compiler just does "rsblt r0, r0, #0" but this is more fun. 
@int asm_abs(int a) 

asm_abs:      @ start of function definition 
    mov  r2, #1    @ set the least bit high in r2 
    mov  r2, r2, lsl#31  @ shift that bit all the way to the sign slot 
    orr  r2, r2, r0   @ XOR with input a (r0) to set ensure negative 
    cmp  r2, r0    @ compare a for-sure neg input with input a 
    bne  asm_abs_ret   @ if not equal, input was pos, so return 
    sub  r0, r0, r0, lsl#1 @ else set a = a - (2*a) 
    mov  pc, lr    @ set program counter to lr (was set by caller) 

@ Take two numbers, and return abs(a) + abs(b) 
@ int asm_two_abs(int a, int b) 

asm_two_abs:      @ start of function definition 
    stmfd sp!, {r4-r6}  @ push the non-scratch registers we'll use on the stack 
    mov  r4, lr    @ store link register in r4 
    mov  r6, r1    @ store second argument b in r6 
    bl  asm_abs    @ set a (r0) = abs(a) 
    mov  r5, r0    @ store abs(a) in r5 
    mov  r0, r6    @ set r0 = b 
    bl  asm_abs    @ should set b = abs(b) 
    add  r0, r0, r5   @ set r0 = abs(b) + abs(a) 
    mov  lr, r4    @ restore link register 
    ldmfd sp!, {r4-r6}  @ restore non-scratch registers we used 
    mov  pc, lr    @ set program counter to lr (was set by caller) 





bl hello 
asdf <- lr points here 

    push {lr} 
    bl there 
    pop {lr} 
    bx lr 

    bx lr 



更短的回答:指令bl修改lr(r14),asm_two_abs所做的第一件事是修改r14,您需要保留r14,以便您可以在末尾使用它(mov pc,lr) –


我會陷入習慣使用bx lr,而不是mov pc,lr,除非你使用的是比ARM7TDMI更早的東西。 –


'push {r4,r5,lr}'和後來的'pop {r4,r5,pc}'也很常見。 – Renate