2014-03-19 66 views

現在Java 8已經發布了,JavaFX 8有沒有一個(相當全面的)更新日誌,如果有的話,它在哪裏?是否有JavaFX 8更新日誌?




我找到Java 8 what's new page你鏈接的新功能相當不錯的總結,JavaFX的8

更多細節上的變化的JavaFX爲Java 8,見JavaFX issue tracker


RT-15332 App Model Allow application to catch exceptions thrown by FX application thread with an UncaughtExceptionHandler 
RT-18024 Animation Evaluate TODOs in code, either removing or filing issues as appropriate 
RT-18400 Build  Support cross build for Linux embedded 
RT-28089 Build  Write Script to auto-generate the new repository layout 
RT-138  Control  Support component orientation in common UI controls 
RT-10343 Control  CSS add support for CSS3 @font-face 
RT-16201 Control  Creating an image icon only button should be able to specify the padding of the button via the api and not just through using CSS. 
RT-16288 Control  Add a TextField.setFont method 
RT-16395 Control  Support object oriented approach to styling UI components 
RT-16472 Control  insets should be a real property on Region 
RT-16689 Control  TextInputControl: css "-fx-columns" doesn't work 
RT-17288 Control  Add a TreeTable 
RT-19451 Control  TableView: Displaying hierarchical groups and data 
RT-20906 Control  Support setting min/pref/max sizes via css 
RT-21355 Control  Support user-defined pseudoclasses 
RT-21709 Control  Consider making available the CSS Styleable* classes as public API 
RT-23074 Control  Support bi-directional text in controls 
RT-23075 Control  Support complex characters in controls 
RT-27480 Control  Add DatePicker control 
RT-27582 Control  New modern theme for JavaFX (Modena) 
RT-15109 Core Libraries ListChangeListener$Change.toString() is not implemented 
RT-17053 Core Libraries Reintroduce SortedList/FilteredList and TransformationList 
RT-18804 Core Libraries Add emptyObservableSet and emptyObservableMap in FXCollections 
RT-19020 Core Libraries Default conversion from ObservableObjectValue<Integer> to ObservableIntegerValue etc. 
RT-19049 Core Libraries Support standard Java Beans in SelectBinding 
RT-19821 Core Libraries Need private API to allow discovery of installed listeners on properties for testing 
RT-20653 Core Libraries Implement synchronized ObservableMap and synchronized ObservableSet 
RT-20708 Core Libraries Provide debugging and/or error condition feedback mechanism in high-level binding routines 
RT-21487 Core Libraries Add isEmpty() and length() methods to StringExpression 
RT-23600 Core Libraries ObservableListBase 
RT-25759 Core Libraries ObjectExpression does not have asString() method 
RT-25996 Core Libraries "Primitive"Property to ObjectProperty<Primitive> 
RT-27633 Core Libraries Add missing FXCollections methods for ObservableSet 
RT-30831 Core Libraries Unsorted mode in the SortedList 
RT-17714 FXML  Support collection events in FXML 
RT-25559 FXML  In FXML, Allow event handlers to come from the namespace 
RT-11561 Glass  Some cursor images are incorrect on Windows, Linux and Mac 
RT-20020 Glass  Windows: support Aero Glass effects for top-level windows 
RT-9372  Graphics Add Back-face Culling support to JavaFX 
RT-9411  Graphics Define internal API for styled text 
RT-17383 Graphics Printing 
RT-17392 Graphics Multi-line, multi-style, rich text support 
RT-17401 Graphics 3D geometry support 
RT-17411 Graphics Complex text with BiDi support 
RT-17663 Graphics Define javafx printing APIs 
RT-18149 Graphics Integrate ICU library for opentype layout 
RT-19040 Graphics Add native font rasterization for Mac 
RT-21683 Graphics Allow to change line-to-line spacing 
RT-24008 Graphics 3D attributes 
RT-24009 Graphics Support for Hi-DPI displays 
RT-24012 Graphics Text performance of the hardware pipeline must be equal or better than the software pipeline 
RT-24013 Graphics Multi-Core scalability 
RT-24644 Graphics Support Mesh and Predefined 3D Shapes 
RT-24651 Graphics Need clean semantic for 2D/3D scenes mixing 
RT-24654 Graphics Need to include lighting and material support for 3D primitives rendering 
RT-24655 Graphics Need to support movable Camera 
RT-24712 Graphics Support ATI/AMD GPU on the Linux platform 
RT-25606 Graphics Port 3D features from demo/experimental repository to FX 8 3D sandbox 
RT-26377 Graphics Implement SubScene 
RT-24595 Localization L10N: Java FX must be localized in all the different languages as supported by the JRE 
RT-28817 Media  Add explicit dispose() method to MediaPlayer 
RT-24014 Other  FX needs to support a subset of the JRE supported systems 
RT-24648 Other  Define supported Linux configurations 
RT-3290  Scenegraph need utility methods for converting to/from screen coordinates 
RT-3518  Scenegraph multiline multistyle text node 
RT-9383  Scenegraph Add proper constructors & factory methods to event classes, remove impl 
RT-12723 Scenegraph Ability to Render a Node in an another Node (NodeView) 
RT-14730 Scenegraph Drag and drop needs support for drag view 
RT-16111 Scenegraph FileChooser: Need to be able to specify initial file name in save dialog 
RT-17645 Scenegraph Make Image class support exceptions for both asynchronous and synchronous loading 
RT-17942 Scenegraph Provide Affine class with matrix manipulation methods (multiply, premultipy, negate, etc.) 
RT-19834 Scenegraph The solid white background created in a Stage should be created - if needed - in the Scenegraph 
RT-24506 Scenegraph Public API for Region backgrounds and borders 
RT-29848 Scenegraph Add a static GridPane.setFillWidth(Node, boolean) method 
RT-12100 Swing  Swing components inside JavaFX 
RT-27887 Swing  introduce a node to embed Swing into JavaFX 
RT-9782  WebView  Workers API is incomplete 
RT-14947 WebView  websockets not working in WebEngine 
RT-17666 WebView  Webview and HTMLEditor should support printing their content 
RT-21499 WebView  Add WebView.scale property 
RT-22153 WebView  Allow setting custom user-agent 
RT-22913 WebView  Implement and enable accelerated compositing to improve WebView rendering performance 
RT-25644 WebView  Implement WebSocket traffic tunneling through HTTP(S) proxies that require authentication 
RT-28499 WebView  WebView doesnot support HTML5 <input type=file multiple 
RT-29584 WebView  Implement window.localStorage 
RT-29834 WebView  Move JSObject into javafx-ui-common 
RT-30236 WebView  Open WebView sources 

在搜索問題跟蹤器時,使用Lombard作爲搜索版本,以查找與初始Java 8版本相關的問題。

  • 超過three thousand issues were fixed作爲Lombard版本的一部分。
  • 另有一千五百個問題被關閉爲不完整,重複等。
  • 2350 bugs已修復。這些錯誤報告中的很多與生產代碼無關,但是新功能中的錯誤已被QA捕獲並在發佈之前得到修復。
  • 408 tweaks被製成。這些是小功能更改和小API添加。
  • 87 features已實施。

JavaFX開發繼續,並且over 300 additional issues已經解決,可以在未來的Java 8u20發行版中發佈。

JavaFX 8與早期版本相比的另一個主要變化是該項目現在完全開放源代碼。


我對所有可以搜索此註釋的新類和方法感興趣:@since JavaFX 8.0