我的建議是在你的數據庫中存儲一個服務器,然後簡單地將你想在頁面上輸入的人數乘以。因此,如果你的用戶選擇了他們想要爲4人做飯,你保留一個變量(會話,cookie,無論什麼) - 讓我們稱之爲$peeps
這個例子 - 當你輸出的數據你做得像這個:
Echo "This will make $peeps portions:";
Echo "Ingredients:<br>";
Echo ($peeps*Ingredient1Quantity)." - ".$ingredient1Name."<br>";
Echo ($peeps*Ingredient2Quantity)." - ".$ingredient2Name."<br>";
// Assumes a function that converts to Imperial from Metric called convertToImperial()
Echo "This will make $peeps portions:";v
Echo "Ingredients:<br>";
Echo convertToImperial($peeps*Ingredient1Quantity)." - ".$ingredient1Name."<br>";
Echo convertToImperial($peeps*Ingredient2Quantity)." - ".$ingredient2Name."<br>";
// For example, input is passed as
// $qty=30 (ml)
// $serves is passed as 3 (ie, three people)
// $type is passed as liquid.
function convertToImperial($qty, $serves, $type)
// Metric to Imperial will need a $type passed (Liquid, Weight, Other).
// You can use a switch statement to pass between the different types.
switch ($type)
case "Liquid":
// Assumes 5ml is a teaspoon
// Assumes 15ml is a tablespoon
// Assumes 250ml is a cup.
$CalMeasure=$qty*$serves; // Now at 90ml.
// Here you can now choose to either pick the best match
// ie, measurement with least remainder/exact measure
// which in this case would be 6 tablespoons
// or
// switch measurement types after a certain quantity is reached.
if ($CalMeasure>125) // Half a cup
return (round($CalMeasure/250,2)." cups");
elseif ($CalMeasure>15) // tablespoons
return (round($CalMeasure/15,2)." Tablespoons");
return (round($CalMeasure/5,2)." Teaspoons");
case "Weight":
// Similar approach to Weights, Convert Grams to Pounds and the like.
return $WeightMeasured;
default: // assumes Other (pinches, sprinkles etc
// Similar approach again.
我不確定如果我真的理解正確嗎?你想轉換爲不同的單位,還是隻是擴大現有的單位? – chameco
假設我有一個食譜需要2茶匙的東西。如果我三倍,我不希望它顯示6茶匙,但2湯匙。 – Caleb
tsp和tbsp在不同的國家意味着不同的事情,我會建議堅持SI單位。 – 2012-08-27 00:31:03