2013-03-26 35 views




enter image description here


<p><i>Required fields are marked with</i> <b>*</b></p> 

<form action="orderformDNP.php" method="post" 

<table width="496" border="0" style="border-width: 1px; border-color:#E5E5E5; 
border-style: solid;"> 
     <td width="40%"> 
      Name: * 
     <td width="60%"> 
      <input type="text" name="yourname" /> 
     <td width="40%"> 
      Phone Number: * 
     <td width="60%"> 
      <input type="text" name="phonenumber" /> 
     <td width="40%"> 
      Mobile Number: 
     <td width="60%"> 
      <input type="text" name="mobilenumber" /> 
     <td width="40%"> 
      E-mail: * 
     <td width="60%"> 
      <input type="text" name="email" /> 
     <td width="40%"> 
      Deliver Address: * 
     <td width="60%"> 
      <textarea name="deliveryaddress" rows="3" cols="40"></textarea> 

<!-- this is the ordering part of the form --!> 



//Start session 

    //Include database connection details 

    //Array to store validation errors 
    $errmsg_arr = array(); 

    //Validation error flag 
    $errflag = false; 

    //Connect to mysql server 
    $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); 
    if(!$link) { 
     die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); 

    //Select database 
    $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); 
    if(!$db) { 
     die("Unable to select database"); 

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 5050goosedown ORDER BY price ASC"); 

echo "<table border='0' width='496'> 
<th width='30%'><b>50/50 Goose Down:</b></th> 
<th width='30%'><i>Normal Fill/Our Fill</i></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Old Price</i></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Price</i></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Quantity</i></th> 

$i = 1; 
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ 
    echo "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'>"; 
    if($i%2 == 0){ 
     echo "<tr bgcolor='#E5E5E5'>"; 

    if (($row['width'] ==0) && ($row['height']== 0)){ 
    echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . "</td>"; 
    else { 
    echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . " -" . $row['width'] . "/" . $row['height'] . "</td>"; 
    echo "<td>" . $row['normal_fill'] . "/" . $row['our_fill'] . "</td>"; 
    if ($row['old_price'] !=0){ 
    echo "<td>" . $row['old_price'] . "</td>"; 
    else { 
    echo "<td></td>"; 
    echo "<td>" . $row['price'] . "</td>"; 
    echo "<td><select name=". $row['goosedown_id'] ."> 
       <option value=''> 0 </option> 
    echo "</tr>"; 
echo "</table>"; 


//Start session 

    //Include database connection details 

    //Array to store validation errors 
    $errmsg_arr = array(); 

    //Validation error flag 
    $errflag = false; 

    //Connect to mysql server 
    $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); 
    if(!$link) { 
     die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); 

    //Select database 
    $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); 
    if(!$db) { 
     die("Unable to select database"); 

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 5050duckdown ORDER BY price ASC"); 

echo "<table border='0' width='496'> 
<th width='30%'><b>50/50 Duck Down:</b></th> 
<th width='30%'><i>Normal Fill/Our Fill</i></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Price</i></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Quantity</i></th> 

$i = 1; 
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ 
    echo "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'>"; 
    if($i%2 == 0){ 
     echo "<tr bgcolor='#E5E5E5'>"; 

    if (($row['width'] ==0) && ($row['height']== 0)){ 
    echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . "</td>"; 
    else { 
    echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . " -" . $row['width'] . "/" . $row['height'] . "</td>"; 
    echo "<td>" . $row['normal_fill'] . "/" . $row['our_fill'] . "</td>"; 
    echo "<td>" . $row['price'] . "</td>"; 
    echo "<td><select name=". $row['duckdown_id'] ."> 
       <option value=''> 0 </option> 
    echo "</tr>"; 
echo "</table>"; 


//Start session 

    //Include database connection details 

    //Array to store validation errors 
    $errmsg_arr = array(); 

    //Validation error flag 
    $errflag = false; 

    //Connect to mysql server 
    $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); 
    if(!$link) { 
     die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); 

    //Select database 
    $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); 
    if(!$db) { 
     die("Unable to select database"); 

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 955goosedown ORDER BY price ASC"); 

echo "<table border='0' width='496'> 
<th width='30%'><b>95/5 Goose Down:</b></th> 
<th width='30%'><i>Normal Fill/Our Fill</i></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Old Price</i></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Price</i></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Quantity</i></th> 

$i = 1; 
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ 
    echo "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'>"; 
    if($i%2 == 0){ 
     echo "<tr bgcolor='#E5E5E5'>"; 

    if (($row['width'] ==0) && ($row['height']== 0)){ 
    echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . "</td>"; 
    else { 
    echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . " -" . $row['width'] . "/" . $row['height'] . "</td>"; 
    echo "<td>" . $row['normal_fill'] . "/" . $row['our_fill'] . "</td>"; 
    if ($row['old_price'] !=0){ 
    echo "<td>" . $row['old_price'] . "</td>"; 
    else { 
    echo "<td></td>"; 
    echo "<td>" . $row['price'] . "</td>"; 
    echo "<td><select name=". $row['955goosedown_id'] ."> 
       <option value=''> 0 </option> 
    echo "</tr>"; 
echo "</table>"; 



//Start session 

    //Include database connection details 

    //Array to store validation errors 
    $errmsg_arr = array(); 

    //Validation error flag 
    $errflag = false; 

    //Connect to mysql server 
    $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); 
    if(!$link) { 
     die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); 

    //Select database 
    $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); 
    if(!$db) { 
     die("Unable to select database"); 

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM goosedownpillows ORDER BY price ASC"); 

echo "<table border='0' width='496'> 
<th width='62.5%'><b>Goose Down Pillows:</b></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Price</i></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Quantity</i></th> 

$i = 1; 
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ 
    echo "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'>"; 
    if($i%2 == 0){ 
     echo "<tr bgcolor='#E5E5E5'>"; 

    echo "<td>" . $row['name'] ."</td>"; 
    echo "<td>" . $row['price'] . "</td>"; 
    echo "<td><select name=". $row['goosedownpillows_id'] ."> 
       <option value=''> 0 </option> 
    echo "</tr>"; 
echo "</table>"; 

<h3>Feather Mattress Toppers</h3> 


//Start session 

    //Include database connection details 

    //Array to store validation errors 
    $errmsg_arr = array(); 

    //Validation error flag 
    $errflag = false; 

    //Connect to mysql server 
    $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); 
    if(!$link) { 
     die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); 

    //Select database 
    $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); 
    if(!$db) { 
     die("Unable to select database"); 

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM feathermattresstoppers ORDER BY price ASC"); 

echo "<table border='0' width='496'> 
<th width='62.5%'><b>95/5 Mattress Toppers:</b></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Old Price</i></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Price</i></th> 
<th width='12.5%'><i>Quantity</i></th> 

$i = 1; 
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ 
    echo "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'>"; 
    if($i%2 == 0){ 
     echo "<tr bgcolor='#E5E5E5'>"; 

    if (($row['width'] ==0) && ($row['height']== 0)){ 
    echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . "</td>"; 
    else { 
    echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . " -" . $row['width'] . "/" . $row['height'] . "</td>"; 
    if ($row['old_price'] !=0){ 
    echo "<td>" . $row['old_price'] . "</td>"; 
    else { 
    echo "<td></td>"; 
    echo "<td>" . $row['price'] . "</td>"; 
    echo "<td><select name=". $row['feathermattresstoppers_id'] ."> 
       <option value=''> 0 </option> 
    echo "</tr>"; 
echo "</table>"; 


<p><b>Additional Info:</b><br /> 
<textarea name="comments" rows="10" cols="40"></textarea></p> 

Access code: <input type="text" name="code" /><br /> 
Please enter <i>MYCODE</i> above. </br></br> 

<input type="submit" value="Submit" id="myButton" /> 






    $body_items = ''; 
    $total_price = 0; 

    /* Set Redgraves Email address, so they receive the orders */ 
    $myemail = "[email protected]"; 

    /* Check all form inputs using check_input function */ 
    $yourname = check_input($_POST['yourname'], "Enter your name"); 
    $phonenumber = check_input($_POST['phonenumber'], "Enter your phone number"); 
    $mobilenumber = check_input($_POST['mobilenumber']); 
    $email = check_input($_POST['email'], "Enter your E-mail address"); 
    $deliveryaddress = check_input($_POST['deliveryaddress'], "Enter your delivery address"); 

    $comments = check_input($_POST['comments']); 

    $random = substr(number_format(time() * rand(),0,'',''),0,10); 

    $goosedown_id = ($_POST[$row['goosedown_id']]); 

    if (strtolower($_POST['code']) != 'mycode') 
     die('Wrong access code'); 

    /* If e-mail is not valid show error message */ 
    if (!preg_match("/([\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+)/", $email)) 
     show_error("E-mail address not valid"); 

    /* If phone number has characters show error message */ 
    if (preg_match("/\D/",$phonenumber)) 
     die("Please enter numbers only for Phone Number"); 

    /* If mobile number has characters show error message */ 
    if (preg_match("/\D/",$mobilenumber)) 
     die("Please enter numbers only for Mobile Number"); 

    // 5050duckdown 
    $flag = 0; 
    $i = 1; 
    $order_content = ''; 
    foreach ($_POST['5050goosedown'] as $key => $value) { 
     if ($value > 0) { 
      $flag = 1; 
      if($i%2 == 0) 
       $order_content .= "<tr bgcolor='#E5E5E5'>"; 
       $order_content .= "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'>"; 

      if (($row['width'] ==0) && ($row['height']== 0)) 
       $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['5050goosedown'][$key]['name'] . "</td>"; 
       $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['5050goosedown'][$key]['name'] . " -" . $_SESSION['5050goosedown'][$key]['width'] . "/" . $_SESSION['5050goosedown'][$key]['height'] . "</td>"; 

      $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['5050goosedown'][$key]['price'] . "</td>"; 

      $order_content .= "<td>" . $value . "</td>"; 

      $sub = $_SESSION['5050goosedown'][$key]['price'] * $value; 
      $total_price += $sub; 
      $order_content .= "<td>" . $sub . "</td></tr>"; 

    if ($flag == 1) { 
     $body_items .= "<table border='0' width='600'> 
           <th width='30%'><b>50/50 Goose Down:</b></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Item Price</i></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Quantity</i></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Price</i></th> 
     $body_items .= $order_content; 
     $body_items .= '</table><br /><br />'; 

    $flag = 0; 
    $i = 1; 
    $order_content = ''; 
    foreach ($_POST['5050duckdown'] as $key => $value) { 
     if ($value > 0) { 
      $flag = 1; 
      if($i%2 == 0) 
       $order_content .= "<tr bgcolor='#E5E5E5'>"; 
       $order_content .= "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'>"; 

      if (($row['width'] ==0) && ($row['height']== 0)) 
       $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['5050duckdown'][$key]['name'] . "</td>"; 
       $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['5050duckdown'][$key]['name'] . " -" . $_SESSION['5050duckdown'][$key]['width'] . "/" . $_SESSION['5050duckdown'][$key]['height'] . "</td>"; 

      $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['5050duckdown'][$key]['price'] . "</td>"; 

      $order_content .= "<td>" . $value . "</td>"; 

      $sub = $_SESSION['5050duckdown'][$key]['price'] * $value; 
      $total_price += $sub; 
      $order_content .= "<td>" . $sub . "</td></tr>"; 

    if ($flag == 1) { 
     $body_items .= "<table border='0' width='600'> 
           <th width='30%'><b>50/50 Duck Down:</b></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Item Price</i></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Quantity</i></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Price</i></th> 
     $body_items .= $order_content; 
     $body_items .= '</table><br /><br />'; 

    $flag = 0; 
    $i = 1; 
    $order_content = ''; 
    foreach ($_POST['955goosedown'] as $key => $value) { 
     if ($value > 0) { 
      $flag = 1; 
      if($i%2 == 0) 
       $order_content .= "<tr bgcolor='#E5E5E5'>"; 
       $order_content .= "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'>"; 

      if (($row['width'] ==0) && ($row['height']== 0)) 
       $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['955goosedown'][$key]['name'] . "</td>"; 
       $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['955goosedown'][$key]['name'] . " -" . $_SESSION['955goosedown'][$key]['width'] . "/" . $_SESSION['955goosedown'][$key]['height'] . "</td>"; 

      $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['955goosedown'][$key]['price'] . "</td>"; 

      $order_content .= "<td>" . $value . "</td>"; 

      $sub = $_SESSION['955goosedown'][$key]['price'] * $value; 
      $total_price += $sub; 
      $order_content .= "<td>" . $sub . "</td></tr>"; 

    if ($flag == 1) { 
     $body_items .= "<table border='0' width='600'> 
           <th width='30%'><b>95/5 Goose Down:</b></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Item Price</i></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Quantity</i></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Price</i></th> 
     $body_items .= $order_content; 
     $body_items .= '</table><br /><br />'; 

    $flag = 0; 
    $i = 1; 
    $order_content = ''; 
    foreach ($_POST['goosedownpillows'] as $key => $value) { 
     if ($value > 0) { 
      $flag = 1; 
      if($i%2 == 0) 
       $order_content .= "<tr bgcolor='#E5E5E5'>"; 
       $order_content .= "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'>"; 

      if (($row['width'] ==0) && ($row['height']== 0)) 
       $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['goosedownpillows'][$key]['name'] . "</td>"; 
       $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['goosedownpillows'][$key]['name'] . " -" . $_SESSION['goosedownpillows'][$key]['width'] . "/" . $_SESSION['goosedownpillows'][$key]['height'] . "</td>"; 

      $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['goosedownpillows'][$key]['price'] . "</td>"; 

      $order_content .= "<td>" . $value . "</td>"; 

      $sub = $_SESSION['goosedownpillows'][$key]['price'] * $value; 
      $total_price += $sub; 
      $order_content .= "<td>" . $sub . "</td></tr>"; 

    if ($flag == 1) { 
     $body_items .= "<table border='0' width='600'> 
           <th width='30%'><b>Goose Down Pillows:</b></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Item Price</i></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Quantity</i></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Price</i></th> 
     $body_items .= $order_content; 
     $body_items .= '</table><br /><br />'; 

    $flag = 0; 
    $i = 1; 
    $order_content = ''; 
    foreach ($_POST['feathermattresstoppers'] as $key => $value) { 
     if ($value > 0) { 
      $flag = 1; 
      if($i%2 == 0) 
       $order_content .= "<tr bgcolor='#E5E5E5'>"; 
       $order_content .= "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'>"; 

      if (($row['width'] ==0) && ($row['height']== 0)) 
       $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['feathermattresstoppers'][$key]['name'] . "</td>"; 
       $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['feathermattresstoppers'][$key]['name'] . " -" . $_SESSION['feathermattresstoppers'][$key]['width'] . "/" . $_SESSION['feathermattresstoppers'][$key]['height'] . "</td>"; 

      $order_content .= "<td>" . $_SESSION['feathermattresstoppers'][$key]['price'] . "</td>"; 

      $order_content .= "<td>" . $value . "</td>"; 

      $sub = $_SESSION['feathermattresstoppers'][$key]['price'] * $value; 
      $total_price += $sub; 
      $order_content .= "<td>" . $sub . "</td></tr>"; 

    if ($flag = 1) { 
     $body_items .= "<table border='0' width='600'> 
           <th width='30%'><b>95/5 Mattress Toppers:</b></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Item Price</i></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Quantity</i></th> 
           <th width='12.5%'><i>Price</i></th> 
     $body_items .= $order_content; 
     $body_items .= '</table><br /><br />'; 
    $body_items .= "<br /><b>Total: $total_price</b></b></b>"; 

/*-------------------First Email--------------------*/ 

    /* Set Email for Redgraves, so they can for-full the order form */ 
    $message = "A order form has been submitted by: $yourname<br /><br /> 

    Order number :<u>$random</u><br /><br /> 

    <b>Name:</b> $yourname<br /> 
    <b>E-mail:</b> $email<br /> 
    <b>Phone Number:</b> $phonenumber<br /> 
    <b>Mobile Number:</b> $mobilenumber<br /> 
    <b>Delivery Address:</b> $deliveryaddress<br /> 
    <b>Comments:</b> $comments<br /><br /> 


    <br /><br />**End of message** 

/* Send the message using mail() function */ 
    $header= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; 
    $header.= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; 
    mail($myemail, "Order Submitted", $message, $header); 

    /* Send the message using mail() function */ 
    //mail($myemail, "Order Submitted", $message); 

/*---------------Second Email---------------------*/  

    /* This email is to confirm the order and act as a receipt to the purchaser */ 
    $respond_message = "Order Completed<br /><br /> 

    Your order has been submitted! details are as follows<br /><br /> 

    <b>Name:</b> $yourname<br /> 
    <b>E-mail:</b> $email<br /> 
    <b>Phone Number:</b> $phonenumber<br /> 
    <b>Mobile Number:</b> $mobilenumber<br /> 
    <b>Delivery Address:</b> $deliveryaddress<br /> 
    <b>Comments:</b> $comments<br /><br /> 


    <br /><b>Reference Number:</b> <u>$random</u><br /><br /> 

    Please make payment using the refrence number above within 7 working days or your order will be canceled <br /> 
    ASB 000-0000-0000-00 "; 

    /* Send the message using mail() function */ 
    $headers= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; 
    $headers.= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; 
    mail($email, "Thank you for your order", $respond_message, $headers); 

    /* Redirect visitor to the thank you page */ 
    header('Location: thankyou.html'); 

/* Functions we used */ 
function check_input($data, $problem='') 
    $data = trim($data); 
    $data = stripslashes($data); 
    $data = htmlspecialchars($data); 
    if ($problem && strlen($data) == 0) 
    return $data; 

function show_error($myError) 

    <b>Please correct the following error:</b><br /> 
    <?php echo $myError; ?> 


這是發生了什麼事到電子郵件... :(

A order form has been submitted by: kc 

Order number :8674170468 

Name: kc 
E-mail: [email protected] 
Phone Number: 0941 
Mobile Number: 64215 
Delivery Address: japan 

95/5 Mattress Toppers: Item Price Quantity Price 

Total: 0 

**End of message** 



UPDATE:這是從的print_r($ _ POST)生成的;

Array ([yourname] => kc 
     [phonenumber] => 987 
     [mobilenumber] => 987 
     [email] => [email protected] 
     [deliveryaddress] => testing 66 
     [1] => 
     [2] => 
     [comments] => sdsdf 
     [code] => MYCODE) 


enter image description here


'總數:0'這是錯誤的一部分嗎? – 2013-03-26 07:00:37


看不到任何錯誤 – 2013-03-26 07:01:24


@HankyPankyㇱ是的,無論我在第一部分中選擇多少項目,alwas返回0作爲我現在的總數..並且總是95/5牀墊Toppers,即使沒有選定的值面積 – HurkNburkS 2013-03-26 07:04:44



if ($flag = 1)

也許應該if ($flag == 1)


根據$_POST中顯示的內容,看起來您的實際表單字段的名稱與您期望找到的名稱之間存在不匹配。例如,50/50 Goosedown部分正在尋找:$_POST['5050goosedown'],但我認爲與此相關的下拉列表是<select name=". $row['goosedown_id'] .">,所以它將顯示在$ _POST中,並且其鍵值等於$row['goosedown_id']。它看起來像這些數字(在$_POST12空值條目。



echo '<td><select name="5050goosedown[' . $row['goosedown_id'] . ']">' 
. "<option>1</option> 
and so on 


    [5050goosedown] => array( 
     [1] => 2, 
     [2] => 



好吧,所以我改變了這一點,它採取了這一行「95/5牀墊頂級:項目價格數量價格」,但總數仍然等於0 ... :( – HurkNburkS 2013-03-26 07:09:06


'print_r($ _ POST);'和編輯 – FoolishSeth 2013-03-26 07:09:59


我在哪裏可以輸入那句話對不起? – HurkNburkS 2013-03-26 07:10:54