2013-07-01 60 views




program HHSolver 
    use MathOperations 
    integer :: O, NEV, i, j, k, a, col, row 
    integer :: coeff, p, b, NTerms, NextCoeff 
    integer :: m, n, symbolic, numeric 
    integer :: TermIndex, ido, NCV,LDV, LWorkL, info2,ierr 
    double precision :: x, y, sigmai, sigmar 
    Character(128) :: String, term, factor 
    character(1) :: bmat 
    character(2) :: which 
    double precision, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: polynomial  !this stores the polynomial boundary equation  
    double precision, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: lap   !this stores the polynomial boundary equation  
    double precision, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: temp   !this stores the polynomial boundary equation  
    double precision, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: R   !this stores the polynomial boundary equation   
    double precision, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: vec   !this stores the polynomial boundary equation   
    double precision, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: lwork   !this stores the polynomial boundary equation   
    double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: alphar, beta 
    double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: alphai, work 
    double precision, dimension(1, 1) :: dummy 
    double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: RESID   
    double precision, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: V, z 
    double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: workd, workl 
    double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: workev 
    double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: Ax, DI, DR 
    integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: Ap, Ai 
    integer, dimension(11) :: IPARAM 
    integer, dimension(14) :: IPNTR  
    integer, dimension(1) :: h 
    double precision :: control(20), info(90), tol 
    logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: select 
    logical :: rvec(1) 
    double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: tempvec 

    external daxpy, dnrm2, dpttrf, dpttrs, dlapy2 
    intrinsic abs 

    call get_command_argument(1, String) 
    read(String, '(i10)') O 
    call get_command_argument(2, String) 
    read(String, '(i10)') NEV 
    call get_command_argument(3, String) 

    write(*, *) 'try to allocate enough memory for full matrices' 

    !this is wh the matrix is created 
    allocate(lap((O + 1)**2, (O + 1)**2)) !this stores the polynomial boundary equation    
    allocate(temp((O + 1)**2, (O + 1)**2)) !this stores the polynomial boundary equation    
    allocate(R((O + 1)**2, (O + 1)**2)) !this stores the polynomial boundary equation   
    allocate(alphar((O+1)**2)) !this stores the polynomial boundary equation    
    allocate(alphai((O+1)**2)) !this stores the polynomial boundary equation    
    allocate(beta((O+1)**2)) !this stores the polynomial boundary equation    
    allocate(vec((O + 1)**2, (O + 1)**2)) !this stores the polynomial boundary equation    
    allocate(work(8*((O+1)**2))) !this stores the polynomial boundary equation    
    allocate(lwork(2*((O+1)**2), 2*((O+1)**2))) !this stores the polynomial boundary equation   
    allocate(RESID((O+1)**2)) !this stores the initial and last eigenvector 
    allocate(V((O+1)**2,20+NEV)) !this stores the eigenvectors 
    allocate(workd(3*((O+1)**2))) !this stores the eigenvectors    
    allocate(workl(30*(20+NEV)**2 + 60*(20+NEV))) !this stores the eigenvectors    
    allocate(workev(3*(20+NEV))) !this stores the eigenvectors    
    allocate(tempvec((O+1)**2)) !this stores the eigenvectors    
    allocate(DI(NEV+1)) !this stores the eigenvectors    
    allocate(DR(NEV+1)) !this stores the eigenvectors    
    allocate(select(20+NEV)) !this stores the eigenvectors    
    allocate(z((O+1)**2,1+NEV)) !this stores the eigenvectors 

    write(*, *) 'memory for matrices allocated'  

      !create the matrix to be solved 
      !solver the matrix 

    write(*, '(25F20.5)') DI !these are the real and imaginary part of solution 
    write(*, '(25F20.5)') DR 
    end program 



請給我們提供一些開始的代碼,找出問題的位置會更容易 – Jk1


它沒有讓我。它不喜歡格式。我不改變1000行代碼的格式。 – user2540350


如果將第3行的隱式none語句放在第三行,會發生什麼? – milancurcic






讓模塊中的所有過程(子例程和函數)使編譯器知道它們的接口將允許編譯器檢查它們被調用的實際參數與它們的僞參數之間的一致性。 external聲明表明您沒有使用Fortran> = 90提供的幫助。

使用編譯器的所有錯誤和警告選項(包括運行時下標檢查)可能會發現問題。如果數組傳遞給子程序的方式會丟失有關其維數的信息,這可能無濟於事。使用gfortran,請嘗試:-fimplicit-none -Wall -Wline-truncation -Wcharacter-truncation -Wsurprising -Waliasing -Wimplicit-interface -Wunused-parameter -fwhole-file -fcheck=all -fbacktrace


這是我的推測性解釋。未使用的數組實際上正在創建一個緩衝區,其中一個函數超出了邊界數組的邊界。我原以爲這會導致運行時錯誤。似乎很奇怪,我可以分配(a(10)),分配(b(10)),並將某些內容存儲在(11)= b(1)中,而不會發生任何錯誤。 – user2540350


默認不檢查下標使用的正確性。該檢查需要具有運行時成本的額外指令。使用gfortran,你可以用'-fcheck = all'(包括'-fcheck = bounds')來添加這個檢查。它可能會或可能不會找到下標錯誤,具體取決於將數組傳遞給子例程的方式。 –