我已經安裝了Apache Solr實現和運行2倍手動cron的,但我有一個問題,即0%被髮送到服務器:的Apache Solr的搜索索引問題
The search index is generated by running cron. 0% of the site content has been sent to the server. There are 2884 items left to send.
Using schema.xml version: drupal-1.1
The server has a 2 min. delay before updates are processed.
Number of documents in index: 220
Number of pending deletions: 0
* Apache Solr: Your site has contacted the Apache Solr server.
* Apache Solr PHP Client Library: Correct version "Revision: 22".
我將/ solr/example/solr/conf中的solrconfig.xml和schema.xml替換爲Apache Solr Drupal模塊中的。