代碼將在項目中的「SourceFiles \ SomeFolder」下添加文件,並在項目視圖樹中的「Source Files」文件夾中添加該文件(它應該已經存在)。
Project project = null; // you should get the project from the solution or as active project or somehow else
string fileName = "myFileName.cpp";
string fileRelativePath = "SourceFiles\\SomeFolder\\" + fileName;
// First see if the file is already there and delete it (to create an empty one)
string fileFullPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FileName) + "\\" + fileRelativePath;
if (File.Exists(fileFullPath))
// m_applicationObject here is DTE2 or DTE2
string templatePath = (m_applicationObject.Solution as Solution2).ProjectItemsTemplatePath(project.Kind);
ProjectItem folderItem = project.ProjectItems.Item("Source Files");
ProjectItem myFileItem = folderItem.ProjectItems.AddFromTemplate(templatePath + "/newc++file.cpp", fileRelativePath);
請不要期望代碼馬上編譯並運行 - 在這裏不執行一些無效狀態檢查。