2014-06-20 68 views


import java.util.TreeMap; 
import java.util.*; 
import java.util.Map.Entry; 
import java.util.Iterator; 
import java.util.Map; 

* Write a description of class Persons here. 
* @author (your name) 
* @version (a version number or a date) 
public class Directory { 

    private String firstName, lastName; 

    private TreeMap<String, Persons> schoolDirectory; 
    private int numberInDirectory; 

    public Directory() { 
     schoolDirectory = new TreeMap<String, Persons>(); 


    public String getKey() { 
     return lastName + firstName; 

    public void addPerson(Persons newPersons) { 
     schoolDirectory.put(Persons.getKey(), newPersons); 

    public void addPerson(Staff newStaff) { 
     schoolDirectory.put(newStaff.getKey(), newStaff); 

    public int getNumber() { 
     return numberInDirectory; 

    public class Persons { 

     // instance variables - replace the example below with your own 

     private String firstName; 
     private String lastName; 
     private String email; 


* Write a description of class People here. 
* @author (your name) 
* @version (a version number or a date) 
public class People extends Directory { 

    private String firstName, lastName, emailAddress, phoneNumber, ID; 

    public People(String firstName, String lastName, String emailAddress, String phoneNumber, String ID) { 
     this.firstName = firstName; 
     this.lastName = lastName; 
     this.emailAddress = emailAddress; 
     this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber; 
     this.ID = ID; 

    public String getKey() { 
     return lastName + firstName; 

* Write a description of class Students here. 
* @author (your name) 
* @version (a version number or a date) 
public class Students extends People { 

    // instance variables - replace the example below with your own 

    private String classlevel; 
    private int SudentID; 


* Write a description of class Faculty here. 
* @author (your name) 
* @version (a version number or a date) 
public class Faculty extends People { 

    private String RoomNumber; 
    private String EmployeeStatus; 
    private String ProgramOfInstruction; 

    public Faculty(String firstName, String lastName, String emailAddress, String phoneNumber, String ID, String room, String status, String instruction) { 
     super(firstName, lastName, emailAddress, phoneNumber, ID); 
     RoomNumber = room; 
     EmployeeStatus = status; 
     ProgramOfInstruction = instruction; 

* Write a description of class Staff here. 
* @author (your name) 
* @version (a version number or a date) 
public class Staff extends People { 

    private String OfficeNumber; 
    private String JobTitle; 

    public Staff(String firstName, String lastName, String emailAddress, String phoneNumber, String ID, String office, String position) { 
     super(firstName, lastName, emailAddress, phoneNumber, ID); 
     OfficeNumber = office; 
     JobTitle = position; 


你得到的* exact *錯誤信息是什麼? – awksp


無法找到符號 - 方法getKey() – user3758442


您已經張貼了太多的代碼。請閱讀[如何創建一個最小,完整和可驗證的示例](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)指出發生此錯誤的位置也很方便。 – PakkuDon




import java.util.TreeMap; 
import java.util.*; 
import java.util.Map.Entry; 
import java.util.Iterator; 
import java.util.Map; 


import java.util.* 







這將使密鑰不唯一,這意味着無論您添加到目錄中,該密鑰都將被覆蓋 – MadProgrammer
