2016-09-24 151 views
<table border='0' cellspacing='3' width='100%'> 
     <td width='15%'><font color='#3366FF'><b>Trading Code:</b></font></td> 
     <td width='85%'>RCL</td> 
     <td><font color='#3366FF'><b>News Title:</b></font></td> 
     <td>DSENEWS: Withdrawal of Authorized Representative</td> 
     <td><font color='#3366FF'><b>News:</b></font></td> 
     <td align='justify'>Withdrawal of Authorized Representative: Royal Capital Ltd., DSE TREC No. 21, has withdrawn one of its Authorized Representatives, Mr. Md. Zikrul Haque, with immediate effect.</td> 
<table border='0' cellspacing='3' width='100%'> 
     <td width='15%'><font color='#3366FF'><b>Trading Code:</b></font></td> 
     <td width='85%'>ISL</td> 
     <td><font color='#3366FF'><b>News Title:</b></font></td> 
     <td>DSENEWS: Withdrawal of Authorized Representative</td> 
     <td><font color='#3366FF'><b>News:</b></font></td> 
     <td align='justify'>Withdrawal of Authorized Representative: IDLC Securities Ltd., DSE TREC No. 58, has withdrawn one of its Authorized Representatives, Mr. Mohammad Ziaur Rahman, with immediate effect.</td> 



$html="<table border='0' cellspacing='3' width='100%'> 
     <td width='15%'>Trading Code:</td> 
     <td width='85%'>RCL</td> 
     <td><font color='#3366FF'><b>News Title:</b></font></td> 
     <td>DSENEWS: Withdrawal of Authorized Representative</td> 
     <td><font color='#3366FF'><b>News:</b></font></td> 
     <td align='justify'>Withdrawal of Authorized Representative: Royal Capital Ltd., DSE TREC No. 21, has withdrawn one of its Authorized Representatives, Mr. Md. Zikrul Haque, with immediate effect.</td> 
<table border='0' cellspacing='3' width='100%'> 
     <td width='15%'><font color='#3366FF'><b>Trading Code:</b></font></td> 
     <td width='85%'>ISL</td> 
     <td><font color='#3366FF'><b>News Title:</b></font></td> 
     <td>DSENEWS: Withdrawal of Authorized Representative</td> 
     <td><font color='#3366FF'><b>News:</b></font></td> 
     <td align='justify'>Withdrawal of Authorized Representative: IDLC Securities Ltd., DSE TREC No. 58, has withdrawn one of its Authorized Representatives, Mr. Mohammad Ziaur Rahman, with immediate effect.</td> 

/* Construct XPath expression to find required data*/ 
$query='//td[contains(. , "Trading Code")]/following-sibling::td|//td[contains(. , "News Title")]/following-sibling::td'; 

/* create the DOMDocument & DOMXPath objects */ 
$dom=new DOMDocument; 
$xp=new DOMXPath($dom); 

/* Run the query to find nodes */ 

/* Process the nodes */ 
    foreach($col as $td){ 
     /* do something with data found */ 
     echo $td->nodeValue; 

構建XPath表達式(& CSS選擇)時,可以發現的有用的參考here