2008-11-17 25 views

調用DLL德爾福鑑於以下Delphil DLL聲明如何從VB6

function csd_HandleData(aBuf: PChar; aLen: integer): integer; stdcall; 



Declare Function csd_HandleData Lib "chsdet.dll" (ByVal aBuf As String, ByVal aLen As Integer) 
Declare Function csd_HandleData Lib "chsdet.dll" (aBuf As Long, ByVal aLen As Integer) 
Declare Function csd_HandleData Lib "chsdet.dll" (aBuf As Byte, ByVal aLen As Integer) 




這裏是等價的C原型爲Delphi函數: INT csd_HandleData(字符* aBuf中,INT阿倫); 沒有什麼驚天動地的,但也許會因爲不熟悉德爾福而害怕貢獻的人得到答案。 – 2008-11-17 23:39:37




Declare Function csd_HandleData Lib "chsdet.dll" (ByVal aBuf As String, 
ByVal aLen As Integer) As Integer 



是的,我有。哦,尷尬(臉紅)。 – bugmagnet 2008-11-17 14:18:27


這似乎工作。這意味着我輸入字符串的任何Unicode都會在輸入到DLL時被ANSI化,但只有Typelib會阻止這種情況,但無論如何Typelib是目標。 謝謝Steve和mj2008。 – bugmagnet 2008-11-18 01:02:54



Declare Function csd_HandleData Lib "chsdet.dll" (**ByReference <--guessing here :D** aBuf As String, ByVal aLen As Integer) 

我不知道什麼是德爾福的PChar,它只是一個字符? ASCII? Unicode的?



這可能會工作: 聲明函數csd_HandleData庫「chsdet.dll」(aBuf中爲字節,BYVAL阿倫只要)只要



Declare Function csd_HandleData Lib "chsdet.dll" (ByVal aBuf As String, ByVal aLen As long) as long 

對於那些感興趣的,這裏是CHSDET typelib的最終IDL。給我留下了深刻的印象(在重新發現Matt Curland的EditTLB工具之後)是我可以將結構放入一個typelib中,VB處理它們就好像我在源代碼中聲明它們一樣。


// Generated .IDL file (by the OLE/COM Object Viewer) 
// typelib filename: chsdet.tlb 

    helpstring("Charset Detector - as the name says - is a stand alone executable module for automatic charset detection of a given text.\r\n\t\r\nIt can be useful for internationalisation support in multilingual applications such as web-script editors or Unicode editors.\r\n\t\r\nGiven input buffer will be analysed to guess used encoding. The result can be used as control parameter for charset conversation procedure.\r\n\t\r\nCharset Detector can be compiled (and hopefully used) for MS Windows (as dll - dynamic link library) or Linux.\r\n\t\r\nBased on Mozilla's i18n component - http://www.mozilla.org/projects/intl/. \r\n\r\nCharset Detector is open source project and distributed under Lesser GPL.\r\nSee the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php\r\n\r\nNikolaj Yakowlew \xFFFFFFA9 2006-2008 \r\nTypeLib by Bruce M. Axtens, 2008.") 
library CHSDET 
    // TLib :  // Forward declare all types defined in this typelib 

     helpstring("Functions in CHSDET.DLL") 
    module CHSDETFunctions { 
    [entry(0x60000000), helpstring("Returns rAbout record (qv)")] 
    void _stdcall GetAbout([in, out] rAbout* AboutRec); 
    [entry(0x60000001), helpstring("Reset detector. Prepares for new analysis.")] 
    void _stdcall Reset(); 
    [entry(0x60000002), helpstring("Analyse given buffer of specified length. 

Return value is of eHandleDataErrors, either 
NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY (Unable to create internal objects) or NS_OK. 

Function can be called more that one time to continue guessing. Charset Detector remembers last state until Reset called.")] 
    void _stdcall HandleData(
      [in] BSTR aBuf, 
      [in] short aLen, 
      [out, retval] short* retVal); 
    [entry(0x60000003), helpstring("Returns either TRUE (Charset Detector is sure about text encoding.) or FALSE. 

NB: If input buffer is smaller then 1K, Charset Detector returns FALSE.")] 
    void _stdcall IsDone([out, retval] short* retVal); 
    [entry(0x60000004), helpstring("Signal data end. If Charset Detector hasn't sure result (IsDone = FALSE) the best guessed encoding will be set as result.")] 
    void _stdcall DataEnd(); 
    [entry(0x60000005), helpstring("Returns guessed charset as rCharsetInfo record")] 
    void _stdcall GetDetectedCharset([out, retval] rCharsetInfo* retVal); 
    [entry(0x60000006), helpstring("Returns all supported charsets in form "0x0A Name - CodePage"")] 
    void _stdcall GetKnownCharsets(
      [in, out] long* sList, 
      [out, retval] long* retVal); 
    [entry(0x60000007), helpstring("Return eBOMKind value matching byte order mark (if any) of input data.")] 
    void _stdcall GetDetectedBOM([out, retval] eBOMKind* retVal); 
    [entry(0x60000008), helpstring("Remove CodePage from consideration as a possible match")] 
    void _stdcall DisableCharsetCP([in] long CodePage); 

    typedef [uuid(91694067-30AB-44A9-A210-F5602935475F)] 
    struct tagrAbout { 

long lMajor; 

long lMinor; 

long lRelease; 

long sAbout; 
    } rAbout; 

    typedef [uuid(3C8B7420-D40B-458B-8DE8-9B3D28607396)] 
    enum { 
    BOM_Not_Found = 0, 
    BOM_UCS4_BE = 1, 
    BOM_UCS4_LE = 2, 
    BOM_UCS4_2143 = 3, 
    BOM_UCS4_3412 = 4, 
    BOM_UTF16_BE = 5, 
    BOM_UTF16_LE = 6, 
    BOM_UTF8 = 7 
    } eBOMKind; 

    typedef [uuid(9B231DEF-93FB-440D-B06B-D760AECE09D0)] 
    struct tagrCharsetInfo { 

long Name; 

short CodePage; 

long Language; 
    } rCharsetInfo; 

    typedef enum { 
    NS_OK = 0, 
    NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = -2147024882 
    } eHandleDataErrors; 