2015-09-15 214 views


Sub UpdateChart() 

Dim myChartObj As ChartObject 
Dim myChart As Chart 
Dim mySeries(1 To 10) As Series 
Dim myChartFormat(1 To 10) As ChartFormat 
Dim myFillFormat(1 To 10) As FillFormat 
Dim myColorFormat(1 To 10) As ColorFormat 


Set myChart = ActiveChart 

For i = 1 To 10 

    Set mySeries(i) = myChart.SeriesCollection(i) 
    Set myChartFormat(i) = mySeries(i).Format 
    Set myFillFormat(i) = myChartFormat(i).Fill 
    Set myColorFormat(i) = myFillFormat(i).ForeColor 

    If i = 1 Then 

    myColorFormat(i).RGB = getRGB1(Cells(12, 7)) 

    ElseIf i = 2 Then 

    myColorFormat(i).RGB = getRGB1(Cells(12, 7)) 

    ElseIf i = 3 Then 

    myColorFormat(i).RGB = getRGB1(Cells(12, 8)) 

    ElseIf i = 4 Then 

    myColorFormat(i).RGB = getRGB1(Cells(12, 9)) 

    ElseIf i = 5 Then 

    myColorFormat(i).RGB = getRGB1(Cells(12, 10)) 

    ElseIf i = 6 Then 

    myColorFormat(i).RGB = getRGB1(Cells(12, 11)) 

    ElseIf i = 7 Then 

    myColorFormat(i).RGB = getRGB1(Cells(12, 12)) 

    ElseIf i = 8 Then 

    myColorFormat(i).RGB = getRGB1(Cells(12, 13)) 

    ElseIf i = 9 Then 

    myColorFormat(i).RGB = getRGB1(Cells(12, 14)) 

    ElseIf i = 10 Then 

    myColorFormat(i).RGB = getRGB1(Cells(12, 15)) 

    End If 

Next i 

End Sub 

Function getRGB1(rcell) As String 
    Dim sColor As String 

    sColor = Right("000000" & Hex(rcell.Interior.Color), 6) 
    getRGB1 = Right(sColor, 2) & Mid(sColor, 3, 2) & Left(sColor, 2) 
End Function 

類型不匹配*,其中*? –


由於'getRGB1'返回一個像'FFFFFF'這樣的字符串,而'.RGB'則期待像'RGB(0,128,0)' –


這樣的字符串,所以你會得到'type mismatch'錯誤。 //stackoverflow.com/questions/24132665/return-rgb-values-from-range-interior-color-or-any-other-color-property)如何檢索這些值。 –




Option Explicit 

Sub UpdateChart() 
    Dim myChart As Chart 

    Set myChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1) 
    For i = 1 To 10 
     With myChart.SeriesCollection(1) 
      .Points(i).Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = Cells(12, i + 6).Interior.Color 
     End With 
    End Sub 
End Sub 