//attach autocomplete
//define callback to format results
source: function(req, add){
//pass request to server
//$.getJSON("friends.php?callback=?", req, function(data) {
$.ajaxCall('phpfoxsamplee.auto', 'startsWith='+req.term)
.done(function(data) {
//create array for response objects
var suggestions = [];
var data = $.parseJSON(data);
//process response
$.each(data, function(i, val){
//suggestions.push(val.full_name,val.user_id); (This works and shows both the full name and id in the dropdown. I want the name to be visible and the ID to goto a hidden input field)
id: val.user_id,
name: val.full_name
//pass array to callback
//define select handler
select: function(e, ui) {
//create formatted friend
alert(ui.item.full_name); //Trying to view the full_name (doesn't work)
alert(ui.item.id); // trying to view the id (doesn't work)
var friend = ui.item.full_name, (doesn't work)
//var friend = ui.item.value, (This works if I do not try to push labels with values)
span = $("<span>").text(friend),
a = $("<a>").addClass("remove").attr({
href: "javascript:",
title: "Remove " + friend
//add friend to friend div
$("#to").attr('name','test').attr('value', 'yes');
//define select handler
change: function() {
//prevent 'to' field being updated and correct position
$("#to").val("").css("top", 2);
//add click handler to friends div
//focus 'to' field
//add live handler for clicks on remove links
$(".remove", document.getElementById("friends")).live("click", function(){
//remove current friend
//correct 'to' field position
if($("#friends span").length === 0) {
$("#to").css("top", 0);
<div id=friends class=ui-help-clearfix>
<input id='to' type=text name='player[" . $num . "][name]'></input>
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