//Path to folder which contains images
$dirname = $_POST['dir'];
//Use glob function to get the files
//Note that we have used " * " inside this function. If you want to get only JPEG or PNG use
//below line and commnent $images variable currently in use
$images = glob($dirname."*");
//Display image using foreach loop
foreach($images as $image) {
//print the image to browser with anchor tag (Use if you want really :))
echo '<p><img style="height:176px; width:221px; float:right;" src="'.$image.'" /></p>';
<form method="POST" action="image.php">
<input type="text" name="dir" placeholder="choose directory" />
<input type="submit" value="choose" />
可能重複http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19543136/php -foreach和 - 圓頂封裝體功能) –