2016-02-04 21 views



如果我通過將窗體邊緣向左拖動來重新調整窗體大小,寬度就會減小。 FormClosing準確報告重新調整的寬度。我們假設1107.






private void zoom() 
     // Re-size form width to slightly more than page width. 
     // This is percentage-based, meaning 100 = default size. 

     Size picSize = new Size 
      Width = (int)(originalRenderingSize.Width * integerUpDownZoom.Value/100), 
      Height = (int)(originalRenderingSize.Height * integerUpDownZoom.Value/100), 

     // some code here which I commented-out, and still, the problem exists. 

     // Set maximum to prevent ugly sizing. 
     this.MaximumSize = new Size(picSize.Width + 40, Screen.FromControl(this).WorkingArea.Height); 

     // The problem is this: When this method processes, as shown, a page is rendered and sized according to 
     // a user-provided zoom level represented by an integerUpDown control. Once rendered, the form should 
     // re-size its width to match the newly-scaled page's width. This works, too. So far, so good. 
     // But!!! If the user grabs the right side of the form and drags it to the left to reduce the width 
     // of the form (mind you, this is Windows OS doing this), upon Form.Form_Closing(), you can see a 
     // quick flash of the form fully-open and unscrolled. Then, in the FIRST line of Form_Closing(), 
     // the debugger reports the form's width as the fully-open and UNSCROLLED width. 
     // The goal is to set the width upon the conclusion of this zoom, but then, on closing 
     // get the width of the Form in order to persist it for use the next time the app is run. 
     // 2 options have been tried. Both cause Form_Closing to erroneously report the fully-open width. 
     // But if BOTH are commented-out, the re-sizing occurs and Form_Closing() reports properly the 
     // form's scrolled width. 

     // Bear in mind that Form_Closing is one of those things that can happen anytime or never. This means 
     // the bug is triggered by EITHER and ONLY the two options below. 

     // Option 1: Tried first. It sets the width fine. 
     // this.Width = picSize.Width + 40;    

     // Option 2: It also sets the width fine. 
     // I think this option causes width to change (it invokes width change, and somewhere in the 
     // OS's width change, the error occurs. 

     //this.MinimumSize = new Size(MaximumSize.Width - 1, this.Height); 
     //this.MinimumSize = new Size(0, 0);    




對不起,我無法發佈代碼。無論如何,這將毫無意義。想想看。 Windows操作系統處理調整大小。不是我。當用戶重新調整表單大小時,全部都在Windows上。如果用戶將窗體大小重新設置爲500像素寬,但FormClosing()報告寬度爲1386像素,那麼我的編碼量就不會向我們展示任何新內容。這是一個行爲問題。沒有代碼可以顯示Windows操作系統如何處理窗體大小調整。


也許你可以向你展示代碼..從視覺編碼的角度來看,你會更容易看到你在做什麼和不在做什麼 – MethodMan


代碼很好,我相信。我在最後的「編輯」中添加了新的信息。我正在測試這個。寬度。顯然不是滾動狀態下顯示的寬度。現在,我意識到寬度是寬度,而滾動大小可能是將寬度應用於滾動值的組合。 –


如果代碼是好的,那麼你不會有這個問題,這就是爲什麼總是最好發佈代碼,以問問你有什麼問題或問題..也許你想閱讀以下內容[如何提問好問題](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask) – MethodMan




