我剛剛將the new Polymerfire <firebase-app>
element添加到我的(Polymer 1.x + Firebase 3.x)項目中,並且它崩潰了該項目。我期望看到主屏幕上的本地主機加載,但是,我只是得到一個空白屏幕和控制檯錯誤。Polymerfire <firebase-app>元素崩潰應用程序
<firebase-app auth-domain="my-app-id.firebaseapp.com"
Uncaught ReferenceError: firebase is not defined
firebase-app.html,line 94firebase.initializeApp.apply(firebase, init); // Line 94, highlighted error
The entire source code for the firebase-app element is located here。
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="firebase.html">
<dom-module id="firebase-app">
(function() {
'use strict';
* The firebase-app element is used for initializing and configuring your
* connection to firebase.
is: 'firebase-app',
properties: {
* The name of your app. Optional.
* You can use this with the `appName` property of other Polymerfire elements
* in order to use multiple firebase configurations on a page at once.
* In that case the name is used as a key to lookup the configuration.
name: {
type: String,
value: ''
* Your API key.
* Get this from the Auth > Web Setup panel of the new
* Firebase Console at https://console.firebase.google.com
* It looks like this: 'AIzaSyDTP-eiQezleFsV2WddFBAhF_WEzx_8v_g'
apiKey: {
type: String
* The domain name to authenticate with.
* The same as your Firebase Hosting subdomain or custom domain.
* Available on the Firebase Console.
* For example: 'polymerfire-test.firebaseapp.com'
authDomain: {
type: String
* The URL of your Firebase Realtime Database. You can find this
* URL in the Database panel of the Firebase Console.
* Available on the Firebase Console.
* For example: 'https://polymerfire-test.firebaseio.com/'
databaseUrl: {
type: String
* The Firebase app object constructed from the other fields of
* this element.
app: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
computed: '__computeApp(name, apiKey, authDomain, databaseUrl)'
__computeApp: function(name, apiKey, authDomain, databaseUrl) {
if (apiKey && authDomain && databaseUrl) {
var init = [{
apiKey: apiKey,
authDomain: authDomain,
databaseURL: databaseUrl
if (name) {
firebase.initializeApp.apply(firebase, init);
} else {
return null;
return firebase.app(name);
我只是git克隆你的項目,涼亭更新和polyserve,它適用於我。去檢查你的涼亭組件,看看你是否有firebase-sdk/index.js火,如果它包含JavaScript。 –
@ Bogdan.Nourescu:等等。什麼?我們需要下載firebase-sdk/index.js?你怎麼知道的?爲什麼它不與Polymerfire捆綁在一起?通常,我們只需使用bower命令「安裝」不同的元素(例如,'bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-button'),並且所有依賴項都會與該單一命令一起安裝。我很困惑。請幫忙。 – Mowzer
好吧...在bower.json中,您有依賴項中的firebase-sdk。它已經在那裏了,所以'bower update'應該將它安裝在你本地的bower_components文件夾中。請檢查您的項目中是否有bower_components文件夾,並檢查其中是否有firebase-sdk/index.js文件。我的猜測是你沒有運行更新。 –