推動數字值(以毫秒爲單位)我的倒計時功能由一個onclick按鈕以及按鈕中的值「剩餘」,「元素」和「回調」[一個函數]調用。通過onclick [Javascript]
<input onclick="countdown('4800000', ['days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'], function(){console.log('Finished');})" type="button">
我測試了我的if(isNaN(剩餘),其中的字母值被推送到了函數,它顯示了console.log它應該,所以我不確定是什麼問題。 HTML或者甚至從這個文件的CSS它是否能解決問題。
//countdown is the entire countdown function called in the HTML file
var countdown = function(remaining /*dateinput*/, elements /*days,hours,minutes,seconds*/, callback/*finished*/) { //end, elements, and callback relate to HTML document
var _second = 1000, //defining 1 second as 1000 (milliseconds)
_minute = _second * 60, //defining minute as second * 60
_hour = _minute * 60, //defining hour as minute * 60
_day = _hour * 24, //defining day as hour * 24
remaining, //time remaining in countdown
timer, //defining timer as a variable to start interval and return invalid input if no timer
calculate = function(){ //defining calculate functiels con for counting down
var data, //defining data
countdownalert = function(){ //function to alert with audio after countdown ends
var audio = new Audio('farmalert.mp3');
if(isNaN(remaining)){ //if input date (end) is not a number
console.log("invalid input"); //return invalid input in console.log
return; //return/end
// if remaining time is less than or equal to 0 (if clock has ended)
if (remaining <= 0) {
//activates audio alert function
//clear timer
//callback for end of countdown
if (typeof callback === 'function'){ //if callback is defined as a function
callback(); //then use function callback
else { //everything besides not being a number or being less than 0 (ended)
if(!timer){ //if timer hasn't started
timer = setInterval(calculate, _second); //start ticking/counting every second
data = { //defining array of data
'days': Math.floor(remaining/_day), //calc number to display as days
'hours': Math.floor((remaining % _day)/_hour),//calc number to display as hours
'minutes': Math.floor ((remaining % _hour)/_minute),// number to display as minutes
'seconds': Math.floor((remaining % _minute)/_second)//number to display as seconds
if (elements.length){ //if elements has a length (exists)
for (x in elements){ //for x in elements (?confused?)
var x = elements[x]; // defining x as the current elements in countdown
data[x] = ('00' + data[x]).slice(-2); //all values in double digit (?slice?)
document.getElementById(x).innerHTML = data[x]; //using in HTML
calculate(); //running calculate
由於固定的問題! – MrAndrew1337