Function AfterSecondVowel(InputRange As String)
'Put all the ascii codes for vowels (upper and lower case) in an array
asciicodesforvowels = Array(65, 97, 69, 101, 73, 105, 79, 111, 85, 117)
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Counter = 0
'Loop through all the letters in the input string
For i = 1 To Len(InputRange)
'Check to see if trying to match the current letter (converted to an ascii code) you are on from the input range
'is in the array of ascii codes - If it isn't this will throw an error
If Not IsError(Application.Match(Asc(Mid(InputRange, i, 1)), asciicodesforvowels, False)) Then
'Increment your counter by 1
Counter = Counter + 1
End If
'Check to see if the counter has reached 2 yet - You can change the = 2 bit here to any number you want to return
'the letter after the N'th vowel
If Counter = 2 Then
'If it has reached the second vowel, skip to the next letter
i = i + 1
'Set the output of the function to this letter you've moved to
AfterSecondVowel = Mid(InputRange, i, 1)
'Exit the function
Exit Function
End If
'Otherwise loop through to the next letter
Next i
'If you reach the end of the letters without exiting the function it's because there weren't
'two vowels so exit the function returning the string value 'Nothing'
AfterSecondVowel = "Nothing"
End Function
這將返回值按您的規範中,只有你沒有指定的是應該如何表現,如果第二個元音是最後一個字母 - 上面只會返回一個空字符串。
= IF(A1 <> 「」,IFERROR(MID(A1,FIND( 「|」,SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(A1), 「一」, 「|」) , 「E」, 「|」)中, 「i」, 「|」), 「O」, 「|」), 「U」, 「|」),FIND( 「|」,SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE (SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(A1), 「一」, 「|」), 「E」, 「|」)中, 「i」, 「|」), 「O」, 「|」), 「U」,「| 「))+ 1)+1,1),」 無 第二個元音發現 「),」「)
Upvoted。用於刷新的問題[這裏](http://stackoverflow.com/q/36978101/641067) – brettdj
=IF(A1="","",IF(LetterAfterVowel2=" ","Nothing",LetterAfterVowel2))
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如果你提供的,你已經嘗試做一些例子這將是巨大的,即使其完全錯誤的,因爲它可以幫助人們回答這個問題,並提高你的理解。 – miltonb
在這裏被問到http://stackoverflow.com/q/36978101/641067作爲一個完整的問題。 – brettdj