簡單的問題,試圖啓用警予2〜GII遠程訪問 - 文件說http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-start-gii.htmlYii的2.0啓用遠程訪問GII
Note: If you are accessing Gii from a machine other than localhost, the access will be denied by default for security purpose. You can configure Gii to add the allowed IP addresses as follows,
'gii' => [
'class' => 'yii\gii\Module',
'allowedIPs' => ['', '::1', '192.168.0.*', ''] // adjust this to your needs
事情是,它並沒有說在哪裏添加此 - guesing配置/ web.php
我有這樣的配置/ web.php '如果 '開發' 環境 $配置(YII_ENV_DEV){// 配置調整[ '引導'] [] = '調試' ; $ config ['modules'] ['debug'] ='yii \ debug \ Module'; $ config ['bootstrap'] [] ='gii'; $ config ['modules'] ['gii'] ='yii \ gii \ Module'; }' – Adrian 2014-12-05 01:28:36
謝謝 - 困惑我原來沒有'class => ..'那有效 – Adrian 2014-12-05 01:32:44