2011-01-10 73 views


// rbt.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 

#include "stdafx.h" 

#ifndef rbth 
#define rbth 

typedef enum { 
} RbtStatus; 

typedef void *RbtIterator; 
typedef void *RbtHandle; 

RbtHandle rbtNew(int(*compare)(void *a, void *b)); 
// create red-black tree 
// parameters: 
//  compare pointer to function that compares keys 
//    return 0 if a == b 
//    return < 0 if a < b 
//    return > 0 if a > b 
// returns: 
//  handle use handle in calls to rbt functions 

void rbtDelete(RbtHandle h); 
// destroy red-black tree 

RbtStatus rbtInsert(RbtHandle h, void *key, void *value); 
// insert key/value pair 

RbtStatus rbtErase(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator i); 
// delete node in tree associated with iterator 
// this function does not free the key/value pointers 

RbtIterator rbtNext(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator i); 
// return ++i 

RbtIterator rbtBegin(RbtHandle h); 
// return pointer to first node 

RbtIterator rbtEnd(RbtHandle h); 
// return pointer to one past last node 

void rbtKeyValue(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator i, void **key, void **value); 
// returns key/value pair associated with iterator 

RbtIterator rbtFind(RbtHandle h, void *key); 
// returns iterator associated with key 


// reentrant red-black tree 

#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <rbtr.h> 

typedef enum { BLACK, RED } NodeColor; 

typedef struct NodeTag { 
    struct NodeTag *left;  // left child 
    struct NodeTag *right;  // right child 
    struct NodeTag *parent;  // parent 
    NodeColor color;   // node color (BLACK, RED) 
    void *key;     // key used for searching 
    void *val;    // user data 
} NodeType; 

typedef struct RbtTag { 
    NodeType *root; // root of red-black tree 
    NodeType sentinel; 
    int (*compare)(void *a, void *b); // compare keys 
} RbtType; 

// all leafs are sentinels 
#define SENTINEL &rbt->sentinel 

RbtHandle rbtNew(int(*rbtCompare)(void *a, void *b)) { 
    RbtType *rbt; 

    if ((rbt = (RbtType *)malloc(sizeof(RbtType))) == NULL) { 
     return NULL; 

    rbt->compare = rbtCompare; 
    rbt->root = SENTINEL; 
    rbt->sentinel.left = SENTINEL; 
    rbt->sentinel.right = SENTINEL; 
    rbt->sentinel.parent = NULL; 
    rbt->sentinel.color = BLACK; 
    rbt->sentinel.key = NULL; 
    rbt->sentinel.val = NULL; 

    return rbt; 

static void deleteTree(RbtHandle h, NodeType *p) { 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 

    // erase nodes depth-first 
    if (p == SENTINEL) return; 
    deleteTree(h, p->left); 
    deleteTree(h, p->right); 

void rbtDelete(RbtHandle h) { 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 

    deleteTree(h, rbt->root); 

static void rotateLeft(RbtType *rbt, NodeType *x) { 

    // rotate node x to left 

    NodeType *y = x->right; 

    // establish x->right link 
    x->right = y->left; 
    if (y->left != SENTINEL) y->left->parent = x; 

    // establish y->parent link 
    if (y != SENTINEL) y->parent = x->parent; 
    if (x->parent) { 
     if (x == x->parent->left) 
      x->parent->left = y; 
      x->parent->right = y; 
    } else { 
     rbt->root = y; 

    // link x and y 
    y->left = x; 
    if (x != SENTINEL) x->parent = y; 

static void rotateRight(RbtType *rbt, NodeType *x) { 

    // rotate node x to right 

    NodeType *y = x->left; 

    // establish x->left link 
    x->left = y->right; 
    if (y->right != SENTINEL) y->right->parent = x; 

    // establish y->parent link 
    if (y != SENTINEL) y->parent = x->parent; 
    if (x->parent) { 
     if (x == x->parent->right) 
      x->parent->right = y; 
      x->parent->left = y; 
    } else { 
     rbt->root = y; 

    // link x and y 
    y->right = x; 
    if (x != SENTINEL) x->parent = y; 

static void insertFixup(RbtType *rbt, NodeType *x) { 

    // maintain red-black tree balance after inserting node x 

    // check red-black properties 
    while (x != rbt->root && x->parent->color == RED) { 
     // we have a violation 
     if (x->parent == x->parent->parent->left) { 
      NodeType *y = x->parent->parent->right; 
      if (y->color == RED) { 

       // uncle is RED 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       y->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->parent->color = RED; 
       x = x->parent->parent; 
      } else { 

       // uncle is BLACK 
       if (x == x->parent->right) { 
        // make x a left child 
        x = x->parent; 
        rotateLeft(rbt, x); 

       // recolor and rotate 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->parent->color = RED; 
       rotateRight(rbt, x->parent->parent); 
     } else { 

      // mirror image of above code 
      NodeType *y = x->parent->parent->left; 
      if (y->color == RED) { 

       // uncle is RED 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       y->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->parent->color = RED; 
       x = x->parent->parent; 
      } else { 

       // uncle is BLACK 
       if (x == x->parent->left) { 
        x = x->parent; 
        rotateRight(rbt, x); 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->parent->color = RED; 
       rotateLeft(rbt, x->parent->parent); 
    rbt->root->color = BLACK; 

RbtStatus rbtInsert(RbtHandle h, void *key, void *val) { 
    NodeType *current, *parent, *x; 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 

    // allocate node for data and insert in tree 

    // find future parent 
    current = rbt->root; 
    parent = 0; 
    while (current != SENTINEL) { 
     int rc = rbt->compare(key, current->key); 
     if (rc == 0) 
     parent = current; 
     current = (rc < 0) ? current->left : current->right; 

    // setup new node 
    if ((x = malloc (sizeof(*x))) == 0) 
    x->parent = parent; 
    x->left = SENTINEL; 
    x->right = SENTINEL; 
    x->color = RED; 
    x->key = key; 
    x->val = val; 

    // insert node in tree 
    if(parent) { 
     if(rbt->compare(key, parent->key) < 0) 
      parent->left = x; 
      parent->right = x; 
    } else { 
     rbt->root = x; 

    insertFixup(rbt, x); 

    return RBT_STATUS_OK; 

void deleteFixup(RbtType *rbt, NodeType *x) { 

    // maintain red-black tree balance after deleting node x 

    while (x != rbt->root && x->color == BLACK) { 
     if (x == x->parent->left) { 
      NodeType *w = x->parent->right; 
      if (w->color == RED) { 
       w->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->color = RED; 
       rotateLeft (rbt, x->parent); 
       w = x->parent->right; 
      if (w->left->color == BLACK && w->right->color == BLACK) { 
       w->color = RED; 
       x = x->parent; 
      } else { 
       if (w->right->color == BLACK) { 
        w->left->color = BLACK; 
        w->color = RED; 
        rotateRight (rbt, w); 
        w = x->parent->right; 
       w->color = x->parent->color; 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       w->right->color = BLACK; 
       rotateLeft (rbt, x->parent); 
       x = rbt->root; 
     } else { 
      NodeType *w = x->parent->left; 
      if (w->color == RED) { 
       w->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->color = RED; 
       rotateRight (rbt, x->parent); 
       w = x->parent->left; 
      if (w->right->color == BLACK && w->left->color == BLACK) { 
       w->color = RED; 
       x = x->parent; 
      } else { 
       if (w->left->color == BLACK) { 
        w->right->color = BLACK; 
        w->color = RED; 
        rotateLeft (rbt, w); 
        w = x->parent->left; 
       w->color = x->parent->color; 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       w->left->color = BLACK; 
       rotateRight (rbt, x->parent); 
       x = rbt->root; 
    x->color = BLACK; 

RbtStatus rbtErase(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator i) { 
    NodeType *x, *y; 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 
    NodeType *z = i; 

    if (z->left == SENTINEL || z->right == SENTINEL) { 
     // y has a SENTINEL node as a child 
     y = z; 
    } else { 
     // find tree successor with a SENTINEL node as a child 
     y = z->right; 
     while (y->left != SENTINEL) y = y->left; 

    // x is y's only child 
    if (y->left != SENTINEL) 
     x = y->left; 
     x = y->right; 

    // remove y from the parent chain 
    x->parent = y->parent; 
    if (y->parent) 
     if (y == y->parent->left) 
      y->parent->left = x; 
      y->parent->right = x; 
     rbt->root = x; 

    if (y != z) { 
     z->key = y->key; 
     z->val = y->val; 

    if (y->color == BLACK) 
     deleteFixup (rbt, x); 

    free (y); 

    return RBT_STATUS_OK; 

RbtIterator rbtNext(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator it) { 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 
    NodeType *i = it; 

    if (i->right != SENTINEL) { 
     // go right 1, then left to the end 
     for (i = i->right; i->left != SENTINEL; i = i->left); 
    } else { 
     // while you're the right child, chain up parent link 
     NodeType *p = i->parent; 
     while (p && i == p->right) { 
      i = p; 
      p = p->parent; 

     // return the "inorder" node 
     i = p; 
    return i != SENTINEL ? i : NULL; 

RbtIterator rbtBegin(RbtHandle h) { 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 

    // return pointer to first value 
    NodeType *i; 
    for (i = rbt->root; i->left != SENTINEL; i = i->left); 
    return i != SENTINEL ? i : NULL; 

RbtIterator rbtEnd(RbtHandle h) { 
    // return pointer to one past last value 
    return NULL; 

void rbtKeyValue(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator it, void **key, void **val) { 
    NodeType *i = it; 

    *key = i->key; 
    *val = i->val; 

void *rbtFind(RbtHandle h, void *key) { 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 

    NodeType *current; 
    current = rbt->root; 
    while(current != SENTINEL) { 
     int rc = rbt->compare(key, current->key); 
     if (rc == 0) return current; 
     current = (rc < 0) ? current->left : current->right; 
    return NULL; 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include "rbtr.h" 

int compare(void *a, void *b) { 
    return *(int *)a - *(int *)b; 

int main(int argc, char **argv) { 
    int maxnum, ct; 

    // command-line: 
    // rbtmain 2000 
    //  process 2000 records 

    RbtIterator i; 
    RbtHandle h; 
    RbtStatus status; 

    maxnum = atoi(argv[1]); 

    // obtain handle to red-black tree 
    h = rbtNew(compare); 

    printf("maxnum = %d\n", maxnum); 
    for (ct = maxnum; ct; ct--) { 
     int key = rand() % 90 + 1; 

     if ((i = rbtFind(h, &key)) != rbtEnd(h)) { 
      // found an existing node 
      void *keyp, *valuep; 

      // get key-value pointers 
      rbtKeyValue(h, i, &keyp, &valuep); 

      // check to see they contain correct data 
      if (*(int *)keyp != key) printf("fail keyp\n"); 
      if (*(int *)valuep != 10*key) printf("fail valuep\n"); 

      // erase node in red-black tree 
      status = rbtErase(h, i); 
      if (status) printf("fail: status = %d\n", status); 

      // free the pointers allocated by main 
      free(keyp); free(valuep); 

     } else { 
      // create a new node 
      int *keyp, *valuep; 

      // allocate key/value data 
      keyp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); 
      valuep = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); 

      // initialize with values 
      *keyp = key; 
      *valuep = 10*key; 

      // insert in red-black tree 
      status = rbtInsert(h, keyp, valuep); 
      if (status) printf("fail: status = %d\n", status); 

    // output nodes in order 
    for (i = rbtBegin(h); i != rbtEnd(h); i = rbtNext(h, i)) { 
     void *keyp, *valuep; 
     rbtKeyValue(h, i, &keyp, &valuep); 
     printf("%d %d\n", *(int *)keyp, *(int *)valuep); 

    // delete my allocated memory 
    for (i = rbtBegin(h); i != rbtEnd(h); i = rbtNext(h, i)) { 
     void *keyp, *valuep; 
     rbtKeyValue(h, i, &keyp, &valuep); 
     free(keyp); free(valuep); 

    // delete red-black tree 

    return 0; 

是的,將數百行代碼轉儲到問題中幾乎總能得到一個很好的答案。 – skaffman 2011-01-10 17:14:00



