2017-08-23 25 views


例如,here中的shellexecute函數已有詳細記錄(由Embarcadero Technologies翻譯)。

function ShellExecute; external shell32 name 'ShellExecuteW'; 




DWORD CreateIpNetEntry(
    _In_ PMIB_IPNETROW pArpEntry 




嘗試[JEDI頭文件](https://sourceforge.net/projects/jedi-apilib/)(在本例中爲[JwaIpHlpApi.pas]中的函數(https://sourceforge.net/p/jedi-apilib /code/HEAD/tree/jwapi/trunk/Win32API/JwaIpHlpApi.pas#l254)和[JwaIpRtrMib.pas]中使用的結構(https://sourceforge.net/p/jedi-apilib/code/HEAD/tree/ jwapi /主幹/ Win32API的/ JwaIpRtrMib.pas#L785))。在那裏翻譯的許多原型比用Delphi發佈的原型更精確。 – Victoria


@維多利亞感謝這是我第一次聽說它 –


不客氣,不好意思。我誤解了你的問題。 – Victoria




任何文件搜索工具都將提供必要的用途,包括內置的Find in Files


「在文件中查找」對我來說真的很適合多年。 – kobik


@kobik,在文件中查找用於包含的文件(或包含的子目錄中的文件)。當然,這需要Delphi源文件。 – Victoria


這是真的,沒有源,然後你卡住了。但是如果你有來源,那麼這肯定是最可靠的方法。 –


這在Finding Units主題描述:

Editing Delphi code in the Code Editor, you can use the Find Unit refactoring dialog box to locate and add units to your code. The Find Unit dialog appears when you select an identifier in the Code Editor and select the Refactor > Find Unit menu command. The operation attempts to find the appropriate unit containing the definition of the selected identifier, and then adds the selected unit to the uses clause. You can select multiple units to add to the uses clause. To find and add a unit to the uses clause:

  1. In the Code Editor, click an identifier whose unit you want to add to the uses clause.
  2. Choose the Refactor > Find Unit menu command. The Find Unit dialog box displays a selection list of applicable Delphi units.
  3. Select the unit that you want to add to the uses clause in the current scope. You can select as many units as you want.
  4. Choose where to insert the reference, either in the interface section or in the implementation section.
  5. Click OK. The uses clause is updated with the selected units.

或者,如果你有德爾福的源代碼,你可以grep Delphi源文件夾中。


在步驟3的搜索框中寫入函數的名稱似乎工作正常。 –


我第一次嘗試使用這個重構工具導致了這個錯誤:* System.OutOfMemoryException:類型'System.OutOfMemoryException'的異常被拋出。*通過重啓來修復。之後,重構工具正常工作,但即使存在翻譯,也未能找到函數「CreateIpNetEntry」。結論,不要使用這個工具。改用搜索。 –


@David,哇,它失敗了,你是結論?如果你有Starter怎麼辦? – Victoria