2012-02-16 54 views

我正在努力尋找一個免費的API來提供包括月出和月落在內的月相預測。我的基於PHP的潮汐表應用程序使用NOAA來處理潮汐和天氣數據,但似乎並沒有提供任何月球數據。 Google是否將這種內置於他們其中一種我不知道的API中?農曆階段API

在沒有人知道一個免費API(最好是政府提供)的情況下,有沒有人知道一個簡單的計算方法?我已經看到this post,但解決方案正在嘗試以高度的精確度來計算它們。如果關閉了一點,就沒關係。




從wxforums.net採取由 「克里斯蒂安」 發佈

Adaptation en php du fameux et excellent scripte Astro-MoonPhase de Brett Hamilton écrit en Perl. 

Ce Scripte vous permettra de connaître, à une date donnée, l'illumination de la Lune, son age, 
sa distance en km par rapport à la Terre, son angle en degrés, sa distance par rapport au soleil, 
et son angle par rapport au soleil. 

class Moon 
    function phase($Year, $Month, $Day, $Hour, $Minutes, $Seconds) 
     $DateSec = mktime($Hour, $Minutes, $Seconds, $Month, $Day, $Year, 0); 

     ini_set(precision, "20"); //Defini la precision des calcules 

     # Astronomical constants. 
     $Epoch     = 2444238.5;  # 1980 January 0.0 

     # Constants defining the Sun's apparent orbit. 
     $Elonge      = 278.833540;  # ecliptic longitude of the Sun at epoch 1980.0 
     $Elongp      = 282.596403;  # ecliptic longitude of the Sun at perigee 
     $Eccent      = 0.016718;    # eccentricity of Earth's orbit 
     $Sunsmax    = 1.495985e8;  # semi-major axis of Earth's orbit, km 
     $Sunangsiz    = 0.533128;    # sun's angular size, degrees, at semi-major axis distance 

     # Elements of the Moon's orbit, epoch 1980.0. 
     $Mmlong      = 64.975464;  # moon's mean longitude at the epoch 
     $Mmlongp    = 349.383063;  # mean longitude of the perigee at the epoch 
     $Mlnode      = 151.950429;  # mean longitude of the node at the epoch 
     $Minc     = 5.145396;    # inclination of the Moon's orbit 
     $Mecc     = 0.054900;    # eccentricity of the Moon's orbit 
     $Mangsiz    = 0.5181;   # moon's angular size at distance a from Earth 
     $Msmax     = 384401.0;    # semi-major axis of Moon's orbit in km 
     $Mparallax    = 0.9507;   # parallax at distance a from Earth 
     $Synmonth    = 29.53058868;  # synodic month (new Moon to new Moon) 

     $pdate = Moon::jtime($DateSec); 

     $pphase;    # illuminated fraction 
     $mage;     # age of moon in days 
     $dist;     # distance in kilometres 
     $angdia;    # angular diameter in degrees 
     $sudist;    # distance to Sun 
     $suangdia;    # sun's angular diameter 

     # Calculation of the Sun's position. 

     $Day = $pdate - $Epoch;           # date within epoch 
     $N = Moon::fixangle((360/365.2422) * $Day);    # mean anomaly of the Sun 
     $M = Moon::fixangle($N + $Elonge - $Elongp);    # convert from perigee 
             # co-ordinates to epoch 1980.0 
     $Ec = Moon::kepler($M, $Eccent);       # solve equation of Kepler 
     $Ec = sqrt((1 + $Eccent)/(1 - $Eccent)) * tan($Ec/2); 
     $Ec = 2 * Moon::todeg(atan($Ec));       # true anomaly 
     $Lambdasun = Moon::fixangle($Ec + $Elongp);      # Sun's geocentric ecliptic 
             # longitude 
     # Orbital distance factor. 
     $F = ((1 + $Eccent * cos(Moon::torad($Ec)))/(1 - $Eccent * $Eccent)); 
     $SunDist = $Sunsmax/$F;         # distance to Sun in km 
     $SunAng = $F * $Sunangsiz;         # Sun's angular size in degrees 

     # Calculation of the Moon's position. 

     # Moon's mean longitude. 
     $ml = Moon::fixangle(13.1763966 * $Day + $Mmlong); 

     # Moon's mean anomaly. 
     $MM = Moon::fixangle($ml - 0.1114041 * $Day - $Mmlongp); 

     # Moon's ascending node mean longitude. 
     $MN = Moon::fixangle($Mlnode - 0.0529539 * $Day); 

     # Evection. 
     $Ev = 1.2739 * sin(Moon::torad(2 * ($ml - $Lambdasun) - $MM)); 

     # Annual equation. 
     $Ae = 0.1858 * sin(Moon::torad($M)); 

     # Correction term. 
     $A3 = 0.37 * sin(Moon::torad($M)); 

     # Corrected anomaly. 
     $MmP = $MM + $Ev - $Ae - $A3; 

     # Correction for the equation of the centre. 
     $mEc = 6.2886 * sin(Moon::torad($MmP)); 

     # Another correction term. 
     $A4 = 0.214 * sin(Moon::torad(2 * $MmP)); 

     # Corrected longitude. 
     $lP = $ml + $Ev + $mEc - $Ae + $A4; 

     # Variation. 
     $V = 0.6583 * sin(Moon::torad(2 * ($lP - $Lambdasun))); 

     # True longitude. 
     $lPP = $lP + $V; 

     # Corrected longitude of the node. 
     $NP = $MN - 0.16 * sin(Moon::torad($M)); 

     # Y inclination coordinate. 
     $y = sin(Moon::torad($lPP - $NP)) * cos(Moon::torad($Minc)); 

     # X inclination coordinate. 
     $x = cos(Moon::torad($lPP - $NP)); 

     # Ecliptic longitude. 
     $Lambdamoon = Moon::todeg(atan2($y, $x)); 
     $Lambdamoon += $NP; 

     # Ecliptic latitude. 
     $BetaM = Moon::todeg(asin(sin(Moon::torad($lPP - $NP)) * sin(Moon::torad($Minc)))); 

     # Calculation of the phase of the Moon. 

     # Age of the Moon in degrees. 
     $MoonAge = $lPP - $Lambdasun; 

     # Phase of the Moon. 
     $MoonPhase = (1 - cos(Moon::torad($MoonAge)))/2; 

     # Calculate distance of moon from the centre of the Earth. 

     $MoonDist = ($Msmax * (1 - $Mecc * $Mecc))/
      (1 + $Mecc * cos(Moon::torad($MmP + $mEc))); 

     # Calculate Moon's angular diameter. 

     $MoonDFrac = $MoonDist/$Msmax; 
     $MoonAng = $Mangsiz/$MoonDFrac; 

     # Calculate Moon's parallax. 

     $MoonPar = $Mparallax/$MoonDFrac; 

     $pphase = $MoonPhase;         # illuminated fraction 
     $mage = $Synmonth * (Moon::fixangle($MoonAge)/360.0);  # age of moon in days 
     $dist = $MoonDist;          # distance in kilometres 
     $angdia = $MoonAng;           # angular diameter in degrees 
     $sudist = $SunDist;           # distance to Sun 
     $suangdia = $SunAng;         # sun's angular diameter 
     $mpfrac = Moon::fixangle($MoonAge)/360.0; 
     return array($pphase, $mage, $dist, $angdia, $sudist, $suangdia, $mpfrac, $mpfrac); 

    function fixangle($x) { return ($x - 360.0 * (floor($x/360.0))); } # fix angle 
    function torad($x) { return ($x * (M_PI/180.0)); }    # deg->rad 
    function todeg($x) { return ($x * (180.0/M_PI)); }    # rad->deg 

    function jtime($t) 
     $julian = ($t/86400) + 2440587.5;  # (seconds /(seconds per day)) + julian date of epoch  2440587.5/86400 = 28,24753472222 Days 
     return ($julian); 

    function kepler($m, $ecc) 
     $EPSILON = 1e-6; 

     $m = Moon::torad($m); 
     $e = $m; 
     while (abs($delta) > $EPSILON) 
      $delta = $e - $ecc * sin($e) - $m; 
      $e -= $delta/(1 - $ecc * cos($e)); 
     return ($e); 


//Exemple d'utilisation : 

//Pour le 11 Avril 2009 à 00h00 
list($MoonPhase, $MoonAge, $MoonDist, $MoonAng, $SunDist, $SunAng, $mpfrac) = Moon::phase(2009, 04, 11, 00, 00, 01); 
echo "La Lune est éclairée à ".number_format($MoonPhase*100, 2, ',', '')."%"."<br>"; 
echo "Son age est de ".number_format($MoonAge, 0, ',', '')." jours"."<br>"; 
echo "Et elle se situe à une distance de ".number_format($MoonDist, 0, ',', '')." km par rapport à la Terre."."<br>"; 

這很有趣,你的第二個鏈接立即敲你的第一個鏈接:「* ...不幸的是月亮的階段在PHP類的e類是不準確的... *「 – 2012-02-16 20:12:49


謝謝,它幫助了一天:) – pckabeer 2012-07-27 01:21:19