2010-01-01 82 views



 MatrixAnimationUsingKeyFrames anim = new MatrixAnimationUsingKeyFrames(); 
     int duration = 1; 
     anim.KeyFrames = Interpolate(new Point(0, 0), centerPoint, 1, factor,100,duration); 
     this.matrixTransform.BeginAnimation(MatrixTransform.MatrixProperty, anim,HandoffBehavior.Compose); 

public MatrixKeyFrameCollection Interpolate(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, double startScale, double endScale, double framerate,double duration) 
     MatrixKeyFrameCollection keyframes = new MatrixKeyFrameCollection(); 

     double steps = duration * framerate; 
     double milliSeconds = 1000/framerate; 
     double timeCounter = 0; 

     double diffX = Math.Abs(startPoint.X- endPoint.X); 
     double xStep = diffX/steps; 

     double diffY = Math.Abs(startPoint.Y - endPoint.Y); 
     double yStep = diffY/steps; 

     double diffScale= Math.Abs(startScale- endScale); 
     double scaleStep = diffScale/steps; 

     if (endPoint.Y < startPoint.Y) 
      yStep = -yStep; 

     if (endPoint.X < startPoint.X) 
      xStep = -xStep; 

     if (endScale < startScale) 
      scaleStep = -scaleStep; 

     Point currentPoint = new Point(); 
     double currentScale = startScale; 

     for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) 
      keyframes.Add(new DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame(new Matrix(currentScale, 0, 0, currentScale, currentPoint.X, currentPoint.Y), KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeCounter)))); 
      currentPoint.X += xStep; 
      currentPoint.Y += yStep; 
      currentScale += scaleStep; 
      timeCounter += milliSeconds; 


     keyframes.Add(new DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame(new Matrix(endScale, 0, 0, endScale, endPoint.X, endPoint.Y), KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0)))); 

     return keyframes; 





using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.Animation; 

namespace MapControl 
    public class LinearMatrixAnimation : AnimationTimeline 

     public Matrix? From 
      set { SetValue(FromProperty, value);} 
      get { return (Matrix)GetValue(FromProperty); } 
     public static DependencyProperty FromProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("From", typeof(Matrix?), typeof(LinearMatrixAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(null)); 

     public Matrix? To 
      set { SetValue(ToProperty, value); } 
      get { return (Matrix)GetValue(ToProperty); } 
     public static DependencyProperty ToProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("To", typeof(Matrix?), typeof(LinearMatrixAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(null)); 

     public LinearMatrixAnimation() 

     public LinearMatrixAnimation(Matrix from, Matrix to, Duration duration) 
      Duration = duration; 
      From = from; 
      To = to; 

     public override object GetCurrentValue(object defaultOriginValue, object defaultDestinationValue, AnimationClock animationClock) 
      if (animationClock.CurrentProgress == null) 
       return null; 

      double progress = animationClock.CurrentProgress.Value; 
      Matrix from = From ?? (Matrix)defaultOriginValue; 

      if (To.HasValue) 
       Matrix to = To.Value; 
       Matrix newMatrix = new Matrix(((to.M11 - from.M11) * progress)+from.M11, 0, 0, ((to.M22 - from.M22) * progress)+from.M22, 
               ((to.OffsetX - from.OffsetX) * progress) + from.OffsetX, ((to.OffsetY - from.OffsetY) * progress)+ from.OffsetY); 
       return newMatrix; 

      return Matrix.Identity; 

     protected override System.Windows.Freezable CreateInstanceCore() 
      return new LinearMatrixAnimation(); 

     public override System.Type TargetPropertyType 
      get { return typeof(Matrix); } 

做得很好!我爲這段代碼添加了緩動。在下面尋找我的位。 – bor 2013-04-05 06:55:52


會這樣可以給你打十幾次... – Jeff 2014-03-19 00:09:00




你所得到的答案是DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame導致 突然變化,那麼你應該一起使用LinearDoubleKeyFrame 或SplineDoubleKeyFrame 源代碼

編輯:啊,我看到,矩陣轉換僅支持離散的 轉換,所以你實際上有一個跳轉問題。 所以我的建議是使用RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames

// Create a RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames to 
// animate the RectangleGeometry. 
RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames rectAnimation = new RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames(); 
rectAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeInSeconds); 

// Animate position, width, and height in first 2 seconds. LinearRectKeyFrame creates 
// a smooth, linear animation between values. 
       new LinearRectKeyFrame(
        new Rect(600,50,200,50), // Target value (KeyValue) 
        KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2))) // KeyTime 

// In the next half second, change height to 10. 
       new LinearRectKeyFrame(
        new Rect(600, 50, 200, 10), // Target value (KeyValue) 
        KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5))) // KeyTime 

只需使用一個線性或SplineRectKeyFrame,設置持續時間/ Keytime和值,您 需要。要獲得比例尺,需要計算最終寬度/高度並設置它,但這不應該成爲問題。我能想到的


嗯,這將是巨大的,但我真的不能使用這些關鍵幀與MatrixTransform AFAIK。我可以將動畫分成兩部分(縮放和轉換),但不會同時出現 – Homde 2010-01-01 15:08:04




這與改變MatrixTransform不同。我只知道,因爲我最初嘗試過,並且不起作用! – Jeff 2014-03-21 00:25:30





private double Sigmoid(double v) 
    double t = -6 + (v * 12.0); 
    return 1.0/(1.0 + Math.Exp(-t)); 

private double EaseIn(double v) 
    return 2.0 * Sigmoid(v/2.0); 

private double EaseOut(double v) 
    return 2.0 * (Sigmoid(0.5 + v/2.0) - 0.5); 

然後在GetCurrentValueprogress = Sigmoid(progress)EaseIn(progress) ...