嗨,我發現this code on Stackoverflow爲一個畫布照片幻燈片放映,但我只是想知道如何使圖像之間的轉換較慢?HTML5畫布照片幻燈片問題
var loaded = 0, numOfImages = 4;
//first part of chain, invoke async load
var image0 = document.createElement('img'); //this will work in new Chrome
var image1 = document.createElement('img'); //instead of new Image
var image2 = document.createElement('img');
var image3 = document.createElement('img');
//common event handler when images has loaded with counter
//to know that all images has loaded
image0.onload = image1.onload =
image2.onload = image3.onload = function(e) {
if (loaded === numOfImages)
draw(); // <-- second part of chain, invoke loop
//show if any error occurs
image0.onerror = image1.onerror =
image2.onerror = image3.onerror = function(e) {
//invoke async loading... you can put these four into your
//window.onload if you want to
image0.src = "img/pic1.jpg";
image1.src = "img/pic2.jpg";
image2.src = "img/pic3.jpg";
image3.src = "img/pic4.jpg";
// this is the main function
function draw() {
var images = new Array(image0, image1, image2, image3),
counter = 0,
maxNum = images.length - 1,
myCanvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas'),
ctx = myCanvas.getContext('2d'),
me = this; //this we need for setTimeout()
//third part of chain, have a function to invoke by setTimeout
this._draw = function() {
//if the next image will cover the canvas
//there is no real need to clear the canvas first.
//I'll leave it here as you ask for this specifically
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height)
ctx.drawImage(images[counter++], 0, 0);
if (counter > maxNum) counter = 0;
setTimeout(me._draw, 1000); //here we use me instead of this
this._draw(); //START the loop
我確實改變了setTimeout,但是出於某種原因沒有什麼區別?有任何想法嗎? – meanmax
你的代碼中有一個錯字:加載+應該加載++。無論如何,這裏是使用3000ms延遲而不是1000ms延遲的運行示例。乾杯! – markE
謝謝! :) – meanmax