我有一個對象和客戶端類創建,它按距離原點的距離順序打印座標。客戶端類詢問用戶他們希望數組有多少維(x,y或x,y,z)他們想要生成多少個點,以及每個座標從哪個範圍運行(例如-x到x ,-y到y等)。當我運行程序時,它會打印出正確數量的點,但數組中總是會有一個額外的元素(等等,當用戶輸入數組的維數爲'4'時,它總是打印出一個額外的元素 - > [4, 5,9,6,1])。這是爲什麼發生?客戶端和對象類輸出值
import java.io.*;
public class MA {
public MA() { }
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
String myString = "arrayNumPoints.txt";
int numpoints = 0;
int dimension = 0;
double lengthscale = 0;
double [][] points = new double[numpoints][dimension + 1];
BufferedReader myInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
MB pointsB = new MB();
System.out.println("Enter number of points:");
String numpointsA = myInput.readLine();
numpoints = Integer.parseInt(numpointsA);
System.out.println("Enter the dimension:");
String dimensionA = myInput.readLine();
dimension = Integer.parseInt(dimensionA);
System.out.println("Enter length(range):");
String lengthscaleA = myInput.readLine();
lengthscale = Double.parseDouble(lengthscaleA);
pointsB = new MB(numpoints, lengthscale, dimension, points);
pointsB.fillarray(pointsB.getarray(), pointsB.getlengthscale(), pointsB.getdim(), pointsB.getnumpoints());
pointsB.caldistance(pointsB.getarray(), pointsB.getnumpoints(), pointsB.getdim());
pointsB.sort(pointsB.getarray(), 0, pointsB.getnumpoints()-1, pointsB.getdim());
pointsB.writefile(pointsB.getarray(), pointsB.getnumpoints(), myString);
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class MB {
//variables and arrays are declared
private double lengthscale;
private int numpoints;
private int dimension;
private double [][] points;
public MB() { }
public MB(double [][] points) {
numpoints = 0;
lengthscale = 0;
dimension = 0;
points = new double[numpoints][dimension + 1];
public MB(int mynumpoints, double mylengthscale, int mydimension, double [][] mypoints) {
numpoints = mynumpoints;
lengthscale = mylengthscale;
dimension = mydimension;
points = new double[numpoints][dimension + 1];
//numpoints getter
public int getnumpoints()
return numpoints;
//numpoints setter
public void setnumpoints(int mynumpoints) {
numpoints = mynumpoints;
//lengthscale getter
public double getlengthscale() {
return lengthscale;
//lengthscale setter
public void setlengthscale(double mylengthscale) {
lengthscale = mylengthscale;
//dimension getter
public int getdim() {
return dimension;
//dimension setter
public void setdim(int mydimension) {
dimension = mydimension;
//array getter
public double[][] getarray() {
return points;
//array setter
public void setarray(double [][]mypoints, int numpoints, int dimension) {
points[numpoints][dimension] = mypoints[numpoints][dimension];
//fill array method
public void fillarray(double [][]mypoints, double mylengthscale, int mydimension, int mynumpoints) throws IOException {
for(int x = 0; x < mynumpoints; x++)
for(int y = 0; y < mydimension; y++) {
//fills array with random points within the specified range
mypoints[x][y] = (dimension * Math.random() - 1) * mylengthscale;
}//end for
}//end for
//writefile method
public void writefile(double [][]mypoints, int mynumpoints, String myString) throws IOException {
//writes to myString
PrintWriter fileOut = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(myString));
//for loop runs for length of mylengthscale
for(int m = 0; m < mynumpoints; m++) {
//prints points to file
//close file
//end for
//readfile metod
public void readfile(String myString) throws IOException
String filePath = myString;
//reads data from mString
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(myString)));
String line = null;
while(((line = in.readLine()) != null))
//caldistance method
public void caldistance(double [][]mypoints, int mynumpoints, int mydimension) {
//for loop; calculates distance for specified number of points
for(int i = 0; i < mynumpoints; i++) {
for(int k = 0; k < mydimension; k++) {
mypoints[i][mydimension] = mypoints[i][k] * mypoints[i][k];
}//end for loop
mypoints[i][mydimension] = Math.sqrt(mypoints[i][mydimension]);
}//end for loop
//sort method
public double[][] sort(double[][] mynewpoints, int down, int top, int mydimension) {
System.arraycopy(mynewpoints, 0, mynewpoints, 0, mynewpoints.length);
//variables are declared
int d = down;
int u = top;
//determines pivot point
double [] pivot = mynewpoints[(down + top)/2];
//sorts the values of the array, comparing it to the pivot
do {
while (mynewpoints[d][mydimension] < pivot[mydimension]) {
while (mynewpoints[u][mydimension] > pivot[mydimension]) {
if (d <= u) {
double[] temporary = new double[mynewpoints[d].length];
//compres values in array and switches them
for (int y = 0; y < mynewpoints[d].length; y++) {
temporary[y] = mynewpoints[d][y];
mynewpoints[d][y] = mynewpoints[u][y];
mynewpoints[u][y] = temporary[y];
} while (d <= u);
if (down < u) {
mynewpoints = sort(mynewpoints, mydimension, down, u);
if (d < top) {
mynewpoints = sort(mynewpoints, mydimension, d, top);
return mynewpoints;
我在你提到的地方加了'this'。現在,當我運行程序時,我收到錯誤說 'java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:3 \t在MB.sort(MultidimensionalB.java:144) \t在MB.sort(MultidimensionalB.java:171) \t (mynewpoints [d] [mydimension]