2014-06-23 116 views


ThisWorkbook.Sheets("data").Range("AJ2:AM2").AutoFill Destination:=Range("AJ2:AM" & localLastRow) 


任何幫助將不勝感激。 我已經發布了下面的整個宏。它最終將成爲一個被稱爲主宏的類。

Sub FormulaUpdate() 
' FormulaUpdate Macro 
' Updates Columns AJ through AS 
Dim localLastRow As Long 
Dim sourceLastRow As Long 
Dim wbName As String 
Dim wbPath As String 
Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet 
Dim sourceRange As Range 
Dim thisSheet As Worksheet 

Application.ScreenUpdating = False 

'sets strings from user's selection of Item Branch Report 
wbPath = GetFile("Select Item Branch Report to be Used") 
wbName = GetFilenameFromPath(wbPath) 

Workbooks.Open(wbPath, ReadOnly:=True).Activate 

'sets workseets to be referenced 
Set sourceSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1) 
Set thisSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("data") 

'counts rows in selected item branch report for use elsewhere in macro 
sourceLastRow = sourceSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 

'range for use in vlookup formula, for both system leadtime and order min columns 
Set sourceRange = sourceSheet.Range("B1:BG" & sourceLastRow) 

'Counts rows in this workbook for use elswhere in macro 
localLastRow = thisSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 

'uses formulas in cells to autofill the data 
thisSheet.Range("AJ2:AM2").AutoFill Destination:=thisSheet.Range("AJ2:AM" & localLastRow) 

'loops through each row of both the system lead time, and the order min column, and sets the value from item branch report 
For i = 2 To localLastRow 

thisSheet.Range("AN" & i).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(thisSheet.Range("C" & i), sourceRange, 53, False) 
thisSheet.Range("AP" & i).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(thisSheet.Range("C" & i), sourceRange, 58, False) 
Application.StatusBar = "Referencing IBR: " & i & " of " & localLastRow & ": " & Format(i/localLastRow, "0%") 

Next i 

'uses formulas in cells to autofill the data 
thisSheet.Range("AO2").AutoFill Destination:=thisSheet.Range("AO2:AO" & localLastRow) 
thisSheet.Range("AQ2:AS2").AutoFill Destination:=thisSheet.Range("AQ2:AS" & localLastRow) 

Workbooks(wbName).Close (False) 

只是確保'localLastRow'是一個有效的數字'> 2' –


它返回5091,所以不應該是錯誤來源 –


,但你確定它是> 2嗎?那很可能會導致問題標題中的1004 ... –



我提到上面是錯誤解決方案。閱讀this瞭解爲什麼依賴SelectActivate方法的背景通常存在問題,應始終避免。您已經遇到了一個令人沮喪的問題 - 那就是您需要跟蹤哪張表處於「活動」狀態,並不斷更新代碼以使相應的表格「處於活動狀態」。這使得代碼難以瀏覽,而且執行起來更加昂貴。


ThisWorkbook.Sheets("data").Range("AJ2:AM2").AutoFill Destination:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets("data").Range("AJ2:AM" & localLastRow) 




我發現你發佈的帖子相當有幫助。我和問問題的人差不多。謝謝!在我的情況下,這是值得明確提到打開的第二個工作簿,而不是激活它並參考這種方式?或者,既然這裏只有兩個工作簿,那麼使用ActiveWorkbook引用打開的工作簿就等於使用變量來引用? –


IMO最好的做法是始終使用變量來表示工作簿,而不是「ActiveWorkbook」關鍵字。 –


++ @DavidZemens還值得一提的是,'sourceLastRow = Range(「A」&Rows.Count).End(xlUp)。Row'也應該是完全合格的 –