下面是我的ajax code.I寫了我的問題,如下面的代碼註釋:鏈路標識類名通過PHP返回外Ajax代碼
//Make the Ajax Request
type: "POST",
url: "dbtryout2_2.php",
data: datastr,
success: function(arrayphp) {
//the problem is with this album class.
//Its not getting identified outside ajax code
var link = $('<a href="#" class="album"><font color="red">' + arrayphp + '</font></a>');
linkclass = link.attr("class");
$(".searchby .searchlist").append(link);
//On clicking element of "linkclass" The code below is not working
$(".searchby .searchlist '.'+linkclass").on("click", function() {
alert("iam here");
//while this code is working when i have included directly a span
//element "clickme" inside "searchlist division" and have given class name "democlass" to it
//On clicking the democlass element alert function is gettting called
//i want alert function to be called for above code also
$(".searchby .searchlist .democlass").on("click", function() {
alert("iam here");
@ Arun您的第一個解決方案,我曾嘗試過最重要的,但它沒有奏效。但你的第二個解決方案措辭謝謝! –