2017-06-07 35 views




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 
<html lang="en"> 

<body class="home"> 
    <!-- Intro --> 
    <div class="container text-center"> 

    <!-- /Intro-->    

         require_once 'includes/connect.php'; 

         if(isset($_GET['id'])) { 

         $full_name = $_GET['id']; 

          $select_query = "SELECT quoteform.quote_id, quoteform.gender, quoteform.feedback_bad, quoteform.feedback_ok, quoteform.size, quoteform.accessory,quoteform.quantity, quoteform.full_name, quoteform.phone_number, quoteform.email, quoteform.location, quoteform.quote_date,quoteform.order_number, price_products.price_withfabric FROM quoteform, price_products WHERE qouteform.feedback_bad = price_products.product_name OR quoteform.feedback_ok = price_products.product_name AND full_name='$full_name' LIMIT 1"; 

         $run_query = mysqli_query($con, $select_query);     

    <!-- Highlights - jumbotron -order --> 
    <div class="jumbotron-order"> 
     <div class="container"> 
          if(mysqli_num_rows($run_query) > 0) 
           while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($run_query)) 
       <h3 class="text-center thin"> - Order Form - </h3></br> 
       <h4 class=" thin"> Hello <?php echo $row["full_name"];?></h4></br> 
       <h4 class=" thin"> Order No. <?php echo $row["order_name"];?> </h4> 

       <div class="row"> 
        <div class="col-md-8 col-sm-8">      
         <div class=" panel"> 
           <table class="table"> 
             <th scope="row"> Outfit</th> 
             <th><?php echo $row["feedback_bad"];?> </th> 
             <th scope="row"> Size</th> 
             <th><?php echo $row["size"];?></th> 
             <th scope="row"> Price </th> 
             <th> <?php echo $quantity; ?> X <?php echo $price_withfabric; ?> </th> 
             <th> = Amount</th> 
             <th scope="row"> Accessory <<- Add More Button ->> </th> 

             <td scope="row"> <?php echo $accessory; ?> </td> 
             <th> Qty X price = </th> 
             <th> = Amount</th> 
             <th scope="row"> Click to select Service Charge </th> 
             <th> Display Service Name </th> 
             <th> = Amount</th> 
             <th scope="row"> Click to select Delivery </th> 
             <th> Display Delivery </th> 
             <th> = Amount</th> 
             <th scope="row"> </th> 
             <th scope="row"> Total </th> 
             <th> Display Amount Here!!!</th> 
             <th scope="row"> Do you have a Coupon Code? </th> 
             <th scope="row"> coupon input space </th> 
             <th> The amount to be deducted from Total</th> 
             <th scope="row"> </th> 
             <th scope="row"> Amount to be Charged </th> 
             <th> Display Amount Here!!!</th> 
           <div class="text-center"><button class="btn btn-success btn-lg">Preview and Pay</button> <button class="btn btn-danger btn-lg">Cancel Order</button></div> 
      <!-- /row --> 
     <?php } } ?> 
<?php } ?> 

你的問題是設計不當。無論如何,該消息意味着你可能在查詢中有錯誤。請訪問[我如何問一個好問題?](https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask) – FirstOne


謝謝,我剛剛編輯的腳本給我頭痛的問題 – user3619935


**警告**:當使用'mysqli'時,你應該使用[參數化查詢](http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.quickstart.prepared-statements.php)和['bind_param'](http://php.net) /manual/en/mysqli-stmt.bind-param.php)將用戶數據添加到您的查詢。 **不要**使用字符串插值或連接來完成此操作,因爲您創建了嚴重的[SQL注入漏洞](http://bobby-tables.com/)。 **不要**將'$ _POST','$ _GET'或**任何**用戶數據直接放入查詢中,如果有人試圖利用您的錯誤,這可能會非常有害。 – tadman






if(mysqli_num_rows($run_query) > 0) 


if(!empty($run_query) && mysqli_num_rows($run_query) > 0) 



if(empty($run_query)) { 
    // do something here if the query failed 

我改變了線路,它實際上失敗了...... – user3619935


失敗,有相同的錯誤信息或新的? – Bing


它不打印任何數據 – user3619935