SQL> declare
2 type nt is table of number;
3 nt1 nt;
4 nt2 nt;
5 nt3 nt;
6 begin
7 nt1 := nt(1,2,3);
8 nt2 := nt(1,2,3);
9 if nt1 = nt2 then
10 dbms_output.put_line('NT2 is the same nested table as NT1');
11 else
12 dbms_output.put_line('NT2 is a different nested table from NT1');
13 end if;
14 nt2 := nt(1,2,3,4);
15 if nt1 = nt3 then
16 dbms_output.put_line('NT3 is the same nested table as NT1');
17 else
18 dbms_output.put_line('E3 is a different nested table from NT1');
19 end if;
20 end;
NT2 is the same nested table as NT1
E3 is a different nested table from NT1
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> create or replace type new_emp as object (
2 ename varchar2(10)
3 , sal number
4 , deptno number
5 , job varchar2(10))
Type created.
SQL> declare
2 e1 new_emp;
3 e2 new_emp;
4 begin
5 e1 := new_emp('KESTELYN', 3700, 30, 'MARKETING');
6 e2 := new_emp('KESTELYN', 3700, 30, 'MARKETING');
7 if e1 = e2 then
8 dbms_output.put_line('E2 is the same as E1');
9 else
10 dbms_output.put_line('E2 is different from E1');
11 end if;
12 end;
if e1 = e2 then
ERROR at line 7:
ORA-06550: line 7, column 11:
PLS-00526: A MAP or ORDER function is required for comparing objects in PL/SQL.
我們需要明確地定義一個成員函數用於執行比較。所以這裏是與MAP函數相同的對象。該示例實現會生成一個散列字符串,如果我們想要存儲該值以供以後比較,它會很有用,但它可能只是返回串聯字符串(特別是因爲DBMS_CRYPTO上的EXECUTE未默認授予)。 NVL()函數有必要避免(null,value)和(value,null)被評估爲相等。使用魔法值時總會有風險,所以我們需要仔細選擇它們。
SQL> create or replace type new_emp as object (
2 ename varchar2(10)
3 , sal number
4 , deptno number
5 , job varchar2(10)
6 , map member function equals return raw)
Type created.
SQL> create or replace type body new_emp as
2 map member function equals return raw
3 is
4 begin
5 return dbms_crypto.hash(
6 utl_raw.cast_to_raw(nvl(self.ename,'***')||
7 nvl(self.sal,-99)||
8 nvl(self.deptno,-99)||
9 nvl(self.job,'***')
10 )
11 , 1);
12 end equals;
13 end;
Type body created.
SQL> declare
2 e1 new_emp;
3 e2 new_emp;
4 begin
5 e1 := new_emp('KESTELYN', 3700, 30, 'MARKETING');
6 e2 := new_emp('KESTELYN', 3700, 30, 'MARKETING');
7 if e1 = e2 then
8 dbms_output.put_line('E2 is the same as E1');
9 else
10 dbms_output.put_line('E2 is different from E1');
11 end if;
12 end;
E2 is the same as E1
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
的MAP函數,該函數返回self.width * self.length