('read db data from ==>', u'C://Users//DBF.txt', 'and input file data from ==>', u'C://Users//IF.txt')
<open file 'C://Users//OpPanda_S_R', mode 'r' at 0x0000000006309030>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Test.py", line 48, in <module>
if op.exists(f) & op.getsize(f):
File "C:\Users\genericpath.py", line 26, in exists
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, file found
Process finished with exit code 1
f = open(str(outputFileGroupName)+"_"+str(group))
print f
if op.exists(f) & op.getsize(f)>0:
if globals()["same_market_"+str(group)+"_file"].shape[0] > 0: globals()["same_market_"+str(group)+"_file"].to_csv(outputFileGroupName, index=False,mode='a',header=False)
if ~contolGroupValidityCheck:
new_entry_occured.append(diff_market_plan_file).to_csv(globals()[str(outputFileGroupName)+"_tmp"], index=False)
我沒有檢查這些帖子,TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, file found Python TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, file found TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, dict found Python writing to CSV... TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, file found,但我找不到合適解。
法布爾:謝謝你,一羣人。錯誤已解決。 – Rowen
@Fabre:我可以問你多一點嗎?在這一行:'globals [「diff_market _」+ str(group)+「_ file」] = input_data [input_data [inputFileRootProfile] .isin(「diff_market _」+ str(group)+「db」[dbFileRootProfile])] m得到一個錯誤:'TypeError:字符串索引必須是整數,而不是unicode'。你能幫我嗎? – Rowen
我想你是傳遞一個字符串作爲列表索引。分解你的線,看看哪一個。在你的行中有3個'[]'訪問,很難弄清楚這是怎麼回事。 –