#first read everything
with open('file_name','r') as f:
content = f.read()
#now perform modifications
content = content.replace('foo 69','')
#now write back to the file
with open('file_name','w') as f:
with open('file_name','a+') as f:
for line in f:#here you are iterating through the content of the file
# at each iteration line will equal foo 69, then bar 70 and then bar 71...
# Now, there is no reason to open the file here again, I guess you opened
# it to write again, but your mode is set to `a` which will append contents
# not overwrite them
with open('contacts.txt','a+') as f:
if "foo" in line:
line.replace("foo", "") #here the modified content is lost
# because you're not storing them anywhere
編輯 - 正如在評論中提到的,如果你的文件是相當大的,你不這樣做想要閱讀所有的內容。
to_replace = 'foo 69\n' #note \n is neccessary here
with open('input.txt','r') as input_file:
with open('ouput.txt','w') as output:
for line in input_file:
if line!=to_replace:
#Now, let's say you want to delete all the contents of the input_file
#just open it in write mode and close without doing anything
input_file = open('input_file.txt','w')
# If you want to delete the entire input_file and rename output_file to
# original file_name then you can do this in case of linux OS using subprocess
subprocess.call(['mv', 'output_file.txt', 'input_file.txt'])
由於在任何時間點只有一行內容在內存中,所以這非常具有內存效率。 input_file
只是一個指向該文件的指針,迭代 - for line in input_file
刪除整行或只是foo? – depperm
'line'是一個字符串,調用'line.replace(「foo」,「」)''''''但實際上並不影響字符串,因爲函數沒有發生。即使這樣做,它也不會將其寫回文件。 –
@hiroprotagonist好吧我將它存儲在一個變量中並寫入文件。現在結果是相同的文本文件,但最後是「69」。 –