2014-02-06 189 views

我正在使用Visual Foxpro 9,我想在報告(frx)中打印Unicode字符。 有一些方法可以擴展報告監聽器以顯示unicode。我需要代碼來擴展/顯示reportListner以顯示unicode。Visual FoxPro 9.0報告顯示unicode


這可以很方便:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13612627/foxpro-google-translate-and-unicode/13613750 –





Indicates the text to be rendered for Expression (Field) and Label layout elements. 
For Picture layout elements sourced from a file, cContentsToBeRendered contains the filename. 

When specifying a filename for an image, ReportListener provides cContentsToBeRendered 
as a DBCS string, which is the standard format for strings in Visual FoxPro. 
However, when indicating text to be rendered, ReportListener provides 
cContentsToBeRendered as a Unicode string, appropriately translated to the correct 
locale using any regional script information associated with this layout control in 
its report definition file (frx) record. 

If your derived class sends the text value through some additional processing, such as 
storage in a table, you can use the STRCONV() function, and its optional regional 
script parameter, to convert the string to DBCS first. For more information, see 
STRCONV() Function. 
