這是我的第一個程序.... ctrlcsignal.cSIGUSR1沒有收到
enter code here
void signal_handler(int sigNo)
//if Ctrl+c signal
printf("value of SIGINT:-%d\t",SIGINT);
printf("received SIGINT\n");
// if some other signal , but this part wont get executed
// as the signal_handler function is registered with SIGINT only
printf("Some other signal found");
printf("value of other signal:-%d",sigNo);
int main(void)
//registering the signal handler function with a signal
printf("\n can't catch SIGINT\n");
while(1) //infinite loop
sleep(1); // 1s ,so that the CPU is not busy
return 0;
,這我的第二個節目.... userdefinedsignals.c
enter code here
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
void signal_handler(int sigNo)
printf("function entered...");
// check for userdefined Signal SIGUSR1
if (sigNo == SIGUSR1)
printf("received SIGUSR1 with value :- %d",SIGUSR1);
//checking for KILL Signal
else if (sigNo == SIGKILL)
printf("received SIGKILL with value :- %d",SIGKILL);
//checking for STOP Signal
else if (sigNo == SIGSTOP)
printf("received SIGSTOP with value :- %d",SIGSTOP);
// if some other signal , but this part wont get executed
// as the signal_handler function is registered with SIGINT only
printf("Some other signal found");
printf("value of other signal:-%d",sigNo);
int main(void)
int pid_t;
printf("process id is %d",getpid());
//registering the signal handler function with a signal
if(signal(SIGUSR1,signal_handler) == SIG_ERR)
printf("\n can't catch SIGSIGUSR1\n");
printf("\n can't catch SIGKILL\n");
printf("\n can't catch SIGSTOP\n");
while(1) //infinite loop
sleep(1); // 1s ,so that the CPU is not busy
return 0;
我得到的的PID第二個過程......想XXXX 然後我用下面的命令 enter code here
,但它顯示沒什麼.... 也然後我試圖通過調用下面的函數int第一個節目......但沒有用.. enter code here
HELP ME .. !!!!
1)你不應該在signalhandlers中使用printf() printf是不可重入的。2)你的main()會靜靜地退出,嘗試添加一個無限循環或sleep()或暫停()。 3),也許,你會想要添加一個waitXX() – wildplasser
@wildplasser這個評論是很好的建議。你爲什麼不把它作爲答案發布? –
因爲這都是微不足道的東西。美國的嫌疑人...一個小搜索,甚至可能在SO上揭示完全相同的問題。 (也許更多) – wildplasser