我已經使用maven,Spring 2.5.6,Hibernate 3.2.6和最近添加的cobertura 1.9rc1進行了代碼覆蓋率分析。在類路徑上使用asm的cobertura問題
Why is Cobertura causing me to have classpath conflicts with ASM?
Cobertura uses ASM to modify your bytecode. There are a few other popular programs that use ASM; Groovy and Hibernate, to name two. You could have problems if Cobertura uses a different version of asm and you add both versions to your classpath.
Cobertura only uses ASM when instrumenting. Cobertura does not need ASM in your classpath when running tests. If you're seeing classpath conflicts, just make sure the asm jar that comes with Cobertura is used only by Cobertura, and only when instrumenting.
但是,當我運行mvn的Cobertura:我的項目的Cobertura我得到以下錯誤: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:網/ sourceforge上/的Cobertura/coveragedata/TouchCollector
我想這是因爲錯誤的asm.jar在類路徑中。但是我怎麼能解決這個類路徑衝突,正如cobertura faq所述?
好的建議應該已被標記爲答案。 – 2013-04-18 16:00:57