2014-04-10 41 views

我想打印出我的腳本收到的所有參數(名稱/值),用於診斷目的。但我不想一一列舉 - 這太無聊了,維護也變得複雜了。有沒有辦法迭代params列表並打印它們的值?打印每個參數名稱及其值



自動變量$ PSBoundParamters應該給你。


    Contains a dictionary of the parameters that are passed to a script 
    or function and their current values. This variable has a value only 
    in a scope where parameters are declared, such as a script or function. 
    You can use it to display or change the current values of parameters 
    or to pass parameter values to another script or function. 

    For example: 

    function Test { 
     param($a, $b) 

     # Display the parameters in dictionary format. 

     # Call the Test1 function with $a and $b. 
     test1 @PSBoundParameters 

$ PARAMS = $ PSBoundParameters 的foreach($的keyValue在$ params.GetEnumerator()){ \t日誌「$($ keyValue.Key)= $($的keyValue .Value)「 } – gsb