2017-07-22 43 views

所以我正在玩弄Integrating Azure AD into an AngularJS single page app 本教程的工作。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-devquickstarts-angular-node無法通過護照 - 天藍色廣告的熊策略對SPA進行身份驗證

它對於Azure的AD V2.0端點實現,但不幸的是我的組織不支持在Azure AD V2.0端點,因此我換過的adal.jsadal-angular庫的實驗版本,GA adal.jsadal-angular庫。前端身份驗證非常完美。但是,我修改了基於passport-azure-ad的後端配置後。後端無法驗證隱式授予的令牌。

我已經在清單文件中將allow implicit flow設置爲true。在另一個例子中,我嘗試使用我的client IDTenant Name,前者使用相同的angular,而.NET作爲後端。有效!


exports.creds = { 

    // The app id you get from the registration portal 
    audience: 'http://localhost:8080', 
    clientID: '**********************************', 

    // Passport will use this URL to fetch the token validation information from Azure AD 
    identityMetadata: '************************************', 
    // Required. 
    // If you are using the common endpoint, you should either set `validateIssuer` to false, or provide a value for `issuer`. 
    validateIssuer: true, 

    // Required. 
    // Set to true if you use `function(req, token, done)` as the verify callback. 
    // Set to false if you use `function(req, token)` as the verify callback. 
    passReqToCallback: false, 

    // Required if you are using common endpoint and setting `validateIssuer` to true. 
    // For tenant-specific endpoint, this field is optional, we will use the issuer from the metadata by default. 
    issuer: '**************************************', 

    isB2C: false, 

    // Optional. Default value is false. 
    // Set to true if you accept access_token whose `aud` claim contains multiple values. 
    allowMultiAudiencesInToken: false, 

    // Optional. 'error', 'warn' or 'info' 
    loggingLevel: 'info' 


app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); 

// Pull in the Azure AD bearer passport strategy 
var OIDCBearerStrategy = require('passport-azure-ad').BearerStrategy; 

// This object is used for in-memory data storage, instead of a database. 
// Each time you run the server, you will get a fresh, empty list. 
var tasks = []; 

// Load passport and configure it to use Azure AD Bearer auth 
passport.use(new OIDCBearerStrategy({ 
    identityMetadata: config.creds.identityMetadata, 
    audience: config.creds.audience, 
    clientID: config.creds.clientID, 
    validateIssuer: true, 
    issuer: config.creds.issuer, 

}, function (token, done) { 
    return done(null, token, null); 

var router = express.Router(); 
    .post(passport.authenticate('oauth-bearer', { session: false }), controller) 


State: ************** 
adal.js:973 State status:true 
adal.js:973 State is right 



你能確認你所指定的V1端點元數據? login.microsoftonline.com/common/.well-known/openid-configuration – Saca


是的!其實問題是配置中的「受衆」屬性應該與客戶端ID – Rui


@Rui相同,作爲答案並接受它,如果解決了你的問題! –


