protected void fillGridView()
using (CqsDataDataContext cqsDC = new CqsDataDataContext())
var orderlist = from x in cqsDC.MasterQuoteRecs
where x.CustomerNumber == accountNumber && x.DateCreated > DateTime.Now.AddDays(howfar)
orderby x.DateCreated descending
select new
customer = x.customername,
order = x.OrderReserveNumber,
quote = x.Quote,
date = Convert.ToDateTime(x.DateCreated).ToShortDateString(),
project = x.ProjectName,
total = x.Cost,
status = x.QuoteStatus
// I would like to loop thru list and make changes to it here
GridView1.DataSource = orderlist;
如果要進行更改,請更改查詢。順便說一句,這不是一個列表。 –
在查詢中,我需要做的更改(在路上)可能無法完成。什麼是對象而不是列表? – Dave
你是試圖在數據庫中進行更改,還是隻是爲了顯示?如果您試圖在數據庫中進行更改,請將其更改爲「select x」,進行所需的更改,最後執行'cqsDC.SubmitChanges();'。如果只是爲了顯示,使它成爲'quote = x.Order == null? x.Quote:null'。 –