命令,你會得到所有你通過調用man bash
內置文檔。 basename
1 function abspath() {
2 pushd . > /dev/null;
3 if [ -d "$1" ]; then
4 cd "$1";
5 dirs -l +0;
6 else
7 cd "`dirname \"$1\"`";
8 cur_dir=`dirs -l +0`;
9 if [ "$cur_dir" == "/" ]; then
10 echo "$cur_dir`basename \"$1\"`";
11 else
12 echo "$cur_dir/`basename \"$1\"`";
13 fi;
14 fi;
15 popd > /dev/null;
16 }
1) Define a shell function
2) Add current working directory to the directory stack and change to it
3) If the submitted parameter corresponds to a directory
4) Change to it
5) Show full pathname of the current working directory
6) otherwise [if the submitted parameter is not a directory]
7) strip away the filename portion, beginning with the last slash `/' character to the end of string and change into the directory
8) Store the full pathname of the current working directory into the `cur_dir` variable
9) if the current working directory is '/' then
10) output the full qualified path using the cur_dir variable and the base name of the submitted parameter
11) otherwise
12) output the full qualified path using the cur_dir variable, a `/', and the base name of the submitted parameter
13) end of inner if block
14) end of outer if block
15) remove current working directory from directory stack and change back it, essentially moving back to the originating directory from where we called the function from.
16) close shell function definition
你需要找到函數'dirs'來知道它做了什麼。 –
您還可以將每行/每段代碼複製/粘貼到終端窗口中。使用'set -x'來顯示變量的擴展。使用'set - 「/ your/dir/of/interest」'爲'$ 1'設置一個值。祝你好運。 – shellter
另外,編寫一個相當於'readlink'命令的程序並不難,也不難獲得'readlink'的GNU版本並將其安裝到Mac上。 –