我剛剛下載並將Microsoft SQL Server安裝到我的WSL環境中。我跑sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup
Enter the SQL Server system administrator password:
Confirm the SQL Server system administrator password:
Configuring SQL Server...
This program has encountered a fatal error and cannot continue running.
The following diagnostic information is available:
Reason: 0x00000003
Message: fd != -1
Stacktrace: 00007fda0c625833 00007fda0bfe76ba 00007fda095e682d
Process: 397 - sqlservr
Thread: 398
Instance Id: 211a9fac-1061-47f2-8548-ab92a985561c
Crash Id: e0ebf051-c561-4c3e-9162-e4fdf862b85f
Build stamp: 33abe47c18f6a90a4d4f4d452a4549c8fd970e1c89a3d9170ba3b0292bc485a5
Multiple crashes have occurred
This program has encountered a fatal error and cannot continue running.
The following diagnostic information is available:
Reason: 0x00000003
Message: fd != -1
Stacktrace: 00007fda0c625a0c 00007fda0bfe76ba 00007fda095e682d
Process: 399 - sqlservr
Thread: 401
Instance Id: 211a9fac-1061-47f2-8548-ab92a985561c
Crash Id: e0ebf051-c561-4c3e-9162-e4fdf862b85f
Build stamp: 33abe47c18f6a90a4d4f4d452a4549c8fd970e1c89a3d9170ba3b0292bc485a5
Attempt to launch handle-crash.sh failed with error 0x0000000C
/opt/mssql/lib/mssql-conf/invokesqlservr.sh: line 15: 396 Aborted (core dumped) sudo -EH -u mssql /bin/bash -c "$CMDLINE"
Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory
Attempting to start the Microsoft SQL Server service failed.
因此,安裝的配置失敗(每次),服務將無法運行。 有其他人遇到過這個問題嗎?谷歌幾乎沒有關於這個,這是我試圖這樣做的原因。
我剛剛更新的Windows到秋季創作者更新版1709操作系統構建16299,和我使用的是全新安裝的Ubuntu WSL的,並仍與安裝SQL Server沒有喜悅。我得到與上面顯示的相同的錯誤。我想不可能在我的機器上的Linux上安裝SQL Server,可能是由於硬件限制。 –