2012-06-27 44 views

我試圖分裂基於以下規則除了各種HTML文檔:文件()函數 - 寫出muliple文件與分組內容

  1. 對於任何<h3>,創建一個新文檔與基於文件名在<h3>的內容(一些翻譯更換不需要字符)
  2. 對於每個li那是h3following-sibling::ol的孩子,創建一個包含<li>的內容,包括任何兒童step元素
  3. 複製,未來<ol>之前發生到<info>元件,其在第2


<h2><a name="BK_Admin_User_Top" id="BK_Admin_User_Top"></a><b>Page title</b></h2> 
<p>Page content.</p> 
<p class="Intro">What do you want to do?</p> 
<p class="indent-intro hcp1 c1"> 
    <a href="#Admin_User_New">add a new user</a> 
<p class="indent-intro hcp1 c1"> 
    <a href="#_Admin_User_Edit" class="hcp2">change an existing user</a> 
<p class="indent-intro hcp1 c1"> 
    <a href="#_Admin_User_Delete" class="hcp2">delete a user</a> 

<h3><a name="_Admin_User_New" id="_Admin_User_New"></a>Adding a User</h3> 
<ol start="1" type="1"> 
    <li class="p-listLevelOne"> 
    <p class="listLevelOne">From the 
    <span class="bold">Maintenance</span> folder on the menu tree, click 
    <span class="bold"> Admin Users</span>. </p> 
<p class="SANote hcp3 c2"> 
<img src="image45.gif" alt="" width="17" height="16" border="0" class="hcp4" /> &#160;If you are a system administrative user, a Group tab and a tab for you to enter or select a group and for the administrative unit and user precede the Admin Unit tab for all procedures.</p> 
<p class="BGNote"> 
<i class="hcp3"> 
<span class="c3"> 
    <img src="image45.gif" alt="" width="17" height="16" border="0" class="hcp4" /> 
</span> &#160;If you are a group user, a</span> 
<span class="c3">tab for you to enter or select the for the administrative unit and user precedes the Admin Unit</span></i> 
    <span class="c3">tab for all procedures.</span> 
<ol start="2" type="1"> 
    <li class="p-listLevelOne"> 
    <p class="listLevelOne">Do one of the following:</p> 
    <li class="p-listSubBullet"> 
    <p class="listSubBullet">Enter the ID of administrative unit of the user you want to add in the Admin Unit ID field and click 

<a name="_Admin_User_Edit" id="_Admin_User_Edit"></a>Changing a User</h3> 
    <li class="p-listLevelOne"> 
    <p class="listLevelOne c6">From the 
    <b>Maintenance</b> folder on the menu tree, click 
    <b> Admin Users</b>. The Admin User Maintenance dialog is displayed with the Admin Unit tab.</p> 
<p class="SANote c6"> 
    <span class="hcp8 hcp3 c11"> 
    <img src="image45.gif" alt="" width="17" height="16" border="0" class="hcp4" /> &#160;If you are a system administrative user, a Group tab and a tab for you to enter or select a group and for the administrative unit and user precede the Admin Unit tab for all procedures.</span> 
<p class="BGNote"> 
<i class="hcp3"> 
<span class="c3"> 
    <img src="image45.gif" alt="" width="17" height="16" border="0" class="hcp4" /> 
</span> &#160;If you are a group user, a</span> 
<span class="c3">tab for you to enter or select the for the administrative unit and user precedes the Admin Unit</span></i> 
    <span class="c3">tab for all procedures.</span> 
<ol start="2" type="1"> 
    <li class="p-listLevelOne"> 
    <p class="listLevelOne">Do one of the following:</p> 
    <li class="p-listSubBullet"> 
    <p class="listSubBullet c6">Enter the ID of administrative unit of the user you want to modify in the 
    <b>Admin Unit ID</b> field and click 
    <li class="p-listSubBullet"> 
    <p class="listSubBullet c6">Click 
    <b>SEARCH</b> to display a list of administrative units to select from. Select the one you want and click 
    <b>NEXT</b>. You can filter the list by entry in either or both the 
    <b>Admin Unit ID</b> and 
    <b>Admin Unit Name</b> fields.</p> 
<p class="indent hcp9 c7">The Admin User 
<span class="c12">tab is displayed.</span></p> 
<ol start="3" type="1"> 
    <li class="p-listLevelOne"> 
    <p class="listLevelOne hcp12 c7"> 
     <span class="hcp8">Do one of the following:</span> 
    <li class="p-listSubBullet"> 
    <p class="listSubBullet hcp9 c7">Enter the ID of the user that you want to modify in the 
    <b>User ID</b> field and click 
    <li class="p-listSubBullet"> 
    <p class="listSubBullet c6">Click 
    <b>SEARCH</b> to display a list of users to select from. Select the one you want and click 
    <b>EDIT</b>. You can filter the list by entry in either or both the 
    User ID and 
    User Name fields.</p> 
<p class="indent hcp9 c7"> 
<span class="c12">The Admin User Details</span> 
<span class="c12">tab is displayed with the current values for the selected user.</span></p> 
<ol start="4"> 
    <li class="p-listLevelOne"> 
    <p class="listLevelOne c6">Change the current data as needed.</p> 
<p class="listLevelOne hcp3 c13"> 
<span class="c3"> 
    <img src="image45.gif" alt="" width="17" height="16" border="0" class="hcp4" /> 
</span> &#160;To reset the user's password, click PASSWORD. &#160;The initial password is system generated and then displayed in the Password field.</p> 
<ol start="5"> 
    <li class="p-listLevelOne"> 
    <p class="listLevelOne hcp9 c7">If needed at any point, click 
    <b>RESET</b> to return the fields to the last saved values.</p> 
    <li class="p-listLevelOne"> 
    <p class="listLevelOne hcp9 c7">Click 
    <b>APPLY</b>. The changes are made to the database.</p> 
    <li class="p-listLevelOne"> 
    <p class="listLevelOne hcp9 c7">Click 
    <b>CLOSE</b> to end the maintenance session.</p> 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 

<!-- identity template --> 
<xsl:template match="@*|node()" name="identity"> 
     <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/> 

<xsl:key name="kFollowing" match="*[preceding-sibling::h3]" 

<xsl:template match="h3[preceding::p[@class='Intro']]" priority="10"> 
    <xsl:variable name="yeti-title"> 
     <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>              
    <xsl:variable name="title_filename"> 
     <xsl:value-of select="translate($yeti-title,' /.()�?','___')"/> 
    <xsl:variable name="newfilename"> 
     <xsl:value-of select="concat('done\',generate-id(.),'_',$title_filename,'.dita')"/> 
    <xsl:document href="{$newfilename}" method="xml"> 
      <xsl:attribute name="id"> 
       <xsl:value-of select="$title_filename"/> 
       <xsl:value-of select="$yeti-title"/> 
        <draft-comment>This topic was automatically generated. Its parent topic is "<xsl:value-of select="/descendant::title[1]"/>."</draft-comment> 
        <xsl:variable name="h3-id" select="generate-id(.)"/> x 
        <xsl:for-each select="li[key('kFollowing',$h3-id]"> 
           <xsl:value-of select="."/> 
          <xsl:if test="following-sibling::li[1][@class='p-listSubBullet']"> 
             <xsl:for-each select="following-sibling::li[@class='p-listSubBullet']"> 
              <li><xsl:value-of select="."/></li> 



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
    <title>Page title</title> 
      <p>What do you want to do?</p> 
      <p><xref href="{generated href value}"/></p> 
      <p><xref href="{generated href value}"/></p> 
      <p><xref href="{generated href value}"/></p> 


    <title>Adding a User</title> 
    <step><cmd>From the <uicontrol>Maintenance</uicontrol> folder on the 
    menu tree, click <uicontrol> Admin Users</uicontrol>.</cmd> 
     <info><note>If you are a system administrative user, a 
      Group tab and a tab for you to enter or select a group and for the 
      administrative unit and user precede the Admin Unit tab for all procedures.</note> 
      <note>If you are a group user, a 
       tab for you to enter or select the for the administrative unit and 
       user precedes the Admin Unit tab for all procedures. 
    <step><cmd>Do one of the following:</cmd> 
      <li>Enter the ID of administrative unit of the user you want to add in the Admin Unit ID field and click 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
    <title>Changing a User</title> 
     <step><cmd>From the 
     <uicontrol>Maintenance</uicontrol> folder on the menu tree, click 
     <uicontrol> Admin Users</uicontrol>. The Admin User Maintenance 
      dialog is displayed with the Admin Unit tab.</cmd> 
     <info><note> If you are a system administrative user, a Group tab and a 
    tab for you to enter or select a group and for the administrative unit 
    and user precede the Admin Unit tab for all procedures.</note> 
     <note>If you are a group user, a tab for you to enter or select the 
     for the administrative unit and user precedes the Admin Unit tab for all procedures.</note></info></step> 
     <step><cmd>Do one of the following:</cmd> 
       <li>Enter the ID of administrative unit of the user you want to modify in the 
        <uicontrol>Admin Unit ID</uicontrol> field and click 
        <uicontrol>NEXT</uicontrol>. </li> 
        <uicontrol>SEARCH</uicontrol> to display a list of administrative units to select from. Select the one you want and click 
        <uicontrol>NEXT</uicontrol>. You can filter the list by entry in either or both the 
        <uicontrol>Admin Unit ID</uicontrol> and 
        <uicontrol>Admin Unit Name</uicontrol> fields. 
      </ul><p>The Admin User tab is displayed.</p> 
     <step><cmd>Do one of the following:</cmd> 
       <li>Enter the ID of the user that you want to modify in the 
        <uicontrol>User ID</uicontrol> field and click 
        <uicontrol>SEARCH</uicontrol> to display a list of users to select from. 
        Select the one you want and click 
        <uicontrol>EDIT</uicontrol>. You can filter the list by entry in either or both the 
        User ID and 
        User Name fields.</li> 
       <p> The Admin User Details 
        tab is displayed with the current values for the selected user.</p></info> 
     <step><cmd>Change the current data as needed.</cmd> 
      <note>To reset the user's password, click PASSWORD. The initial password is system generated and then displayed in the Password field.</note></step> 
     <step><cmd>If needed at any point, click 
      <uicontrol>RESET</uicontrol> to return the fields to the last saved values.</cmd>    
     <uicontrol>APPLY</uicontrol>. The changes are made to the database. 
      <uicontrol>CLOSE</uicontrol> to end the maintenance session.</cmd></step></steps> 



你忘了展現確切想要的結果。請編輯問題並指定此信息。 –


請顯示您的預期輸出文件。 XSLT 2.0是否可用? –


很快添加了所需的結果......這個問題是使用XSLT 1.1的更大轉換的一部分,所以我寧願堅持這一點。 –




<xsl:stylesheet version="1.1" 

<xsl:key name="kFollowing" match="p[contains(./@class,'Note')]|ul|table" 

<xsl:template match="div[child::ol]" priority="10"> 
    <xsl:variable name="yeti-title"> 
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(child::h3)"/>              
    <xsl:variable name="title_filename"> 
    <xsl:value-of select="translate($yeti-title,' /.()�?','___')"/> 
    <xsl:variable name="newfilename"> 
    <xsl:value-of select="concat('done\',generate-id(.),'_',$title_filename,'.dita')"/> 
    <xsl:document href="{$newfilename}" method="xml"> 
     <xsl:attribute name="id"> 
     <xsl:value-of select="$title_filename"/> 
     <xsl:value-of select="$yeti-title"/> 
      <draft-comment>This topic was automatically generated. Its parent topic is "<xsl:value-of select="/descendant::title[1]"/>."</draft-comment> 
      <xsl:for-each select="descendant::p[@class='listLevelOne']"> 
      <xsl:variable name="ol_id"> 
       <xsl:value-of select="generate-id()"/> 
        <xsl:apply-templates select="key('kFollowing',$ol_id)"/> 