2013-04-18 31 views
#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include "HashTable.h" 

using namespace std; 

struct MyStruct { 
string str; 
int num; 
bool operator ==(const MyStruct & r) { return str == r.str; } 

const int SIZE1 = 97; 

int hash1(const MyStruct & obj); 

int main() 
HashTable<MyStruct> ht1(hash1, SIZE1); 

MyStruct myobj; 

myobj.str = "elephant"; 
myobj.num = 25; 

MyStruct myobj2; 

myobj2.str = "elephant"; 
cout << "retrieved from ht1: " << myobj2.num << " for num." << endl; 

return 0; 

int hash1(const MyStruct & obj) 
int sum = 0; 
for (int i = 0; i < 3 && i < int(obj.str.length()); i++) 
    sum += obj.str[ i ]; 
return sum % SIZE1; 


H:\CSC 375\Homework5\LinkedList.h|200|warning: no newline at end of file| 

H:\CSC 375\Homework5\Array.h||In constructor `Array<DataType>::Array(int)':| 
H:\CSC 375\Homework5\Array.h|46|error: expected primary-expression before "template"| 
H:\CSC 375\Homework5\Array.h|46|error: expected `;' before "template"| 


H:\CSC 375\Homework5\HashTable.h|6|error: expected primary-expression before "template"| 
H:\CSC 375\Homework5\HashTable.h|6|error: expected `;' before "template"| 


H:\CSC 375\Homework5\HashTable.h|82|warning: no newline at end of file| 

H:\CSC 375\Homework5\main.cpp|17|error: expected primary-expression before "int"| 
H:\CSC 375\Homework5\main.cpp|17|error: expected `;' before "int"| 
H:\CSC 375\Homework5\main.cpp|38|error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token| 
H:\CSC 375\Homework5\main.cpp|38|error: expected `,' or `;' before '{' token| 
H:\CSC 375\Homework5\main.cpp|44|warning: no newline at end of file| 
H:\CSC 375\Homework5\main.cpp|43|error: expected `}' at end of input| 
||=== Build finished: 35 errors, 3 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds) ===| 

編輯:鏈表,數組和哈希表所有編譯和無主建的罰款。 CPP,所以它必須是該文件中的東西。


// HashTable.h 

#include "LinkedList.h" 
#include "Array.h" 

template <class DataType> 
class HashTable 
    HashTable(int (*hashf)(const DataType &), int s); 

    bool Insert(const DataType & newObject); 
    bool retrieve(DataType & retrieved); 
    bool Remove(DataType & removed); 
    bool update(DataType & updateObject); 
    void makeEmpty(); 

    Array< LinkedList<DataType> > table; 
    int (*hashfunction)(const DataType &); 

// HashTable.cpp 
template <class DataType> 
HashTable<DataType>::HashTable(int (*hashf)(const DataType &), int s) 
    : table(s) 
    hashfunc = hashf; 

template <class DataType> 
bool HashTable<DataType>::Insert(const DataType & newObject) 
    int location = hashfunc(newObject); 
    if (location < 0 || location >= table.length()) 
     return false; 
    table[ location ].Insert(newObject); 
    return true; 

template <class DataType> 
bool HashTable<DataType>::retrieve(DataType & retrieved) 
    int location = hashfunc(retrieved); 
    if (location < 0 || location >= table.length()) 
     return false; 
    if (!table[ location ].retrieve(retrieved)) 
     return false; 
    return true; 

template <class DataType> 
bool HashTable<DataType>::Remove(DataType & removed) 
    int location = hashfunc(removed); 
    if (location < 0 || location >= table.length()) 
     return false; 
    if (!table[ location ].Remove(removed)) 
     return false; 
    return true; 

template <class DataType> 
bool HashTable<DataType>::update(DataType & updateObject) 
    int location = hashfunc(updateObject); 
    if (location < 0 || location >= table.length()) 
     return false; 
    if (!table[location].find(updateObject)) 
     return false; 
    return true; 

template <class DataType> 
void HashTable<DataType>::makeEmpty() 
    for (int i = 0; i < table.length(); i++) 
     table[ i ].makeEmpty(); 

.... //數組.h

#include <string> 

using namespace std; 

template <class DataType> 
class Array 
    Array(int Size); 
    Array(const Array<DataType> & ap); 
    Array<DataType> & operator =(const Array<DataType> & right); 

    inline DataType & operator [ ](int index); 
    void changeSize(int newSize); 
    inline int length() const; 
    string err() const; 

    DataType *elements; 
    int capacity; 
    DataType dud; 
    int errorCode; 
    inline void deepCopy(const Array<DataType> & original); 

// Array.cpp 

template <class DataType> 
Array<DataType>::Array(int Size) 
    if (Size < 1) { 
     capacity = 1; 
     errorCode = 1; 
    else { 
     capacity = Size; 
     errorCode = 0; 

    elements = new DataType [capacity]; 

template <class DataType> 
Array<DataType>::Array(const Array<DataType> & ap) 

template <class DataType> 
    delete [ ] elements; 

template <class DataType> 
Array<DataType> & Array<DataType>::operator =(const Array<DataType> & right) 
    if (this == &right) 
     return *this; 
    delete [ ] elements; 

    return *this; 

template <class DataType> 
inline DataType & Array<DataType>::operator [ ](int index) 
    if (index < 0 || index >= capacity) { 
     errorCode |= 2; 
     return dud; 
    return elements[ index ]; 

template <class DataType> 
void Array<DataType>::changeSize(int newSize) 
    if (newSize < 1) 
     errorCode |= 4; 

    DataType *newArray = new DataType [newSize]; 

    int limit = (newSize > capacity)? capacity : newSize; 

    for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) 
     newArray[ i ] = elements[ i ]; 

    delete [ ] elements; 

    elements = newArray; 

    capacity = newSize; 

template <class DataType> 
inline int Array<DataType>::length() const 
    return capacity; 

template <class DataType> 
string Array<DataType>::err() const 

    if (errorCode == 0) 
     return "No error.\n"; 

    string errorMessage = ""; 
    if (errorCode & 1) { 
     errorMessage += "Nonpositive size passed into constructor, so\n"; 
     errorMessage += "the capacity was set to 1 by default.\n"; 
    if (errorCode & 2) 
     errorMessage += "Index out of range.\n"; 
    if (errorCode & 4) { 
     errorMessage += "Nonpositive size passed into changeSize, so\n"; 
     errorMessage += "the size of the array was not changed.\n"; 

    return errorMessage; 

template <class DataType> 
inline void Array<DataType>::deepCopy(const Array<DataType> & original) 
    capacity = original.capacity; 
    errorCode = original.errorCode; 
    elements = new DataType [capacity]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) 
     elements[ i ] = original.elements[ i ]; 



在你的眼睛前面有'LinkedList.h'和'Array.h'和'HashTable.h',你找不到任何錯誤。你如何期待*我們*發現他們有什麼問題? –


我主要詢問main.cpp文件錯誤,抱歉不清楚。 – Cyberhawk94


這些錯誤是由較早的錯誤引起的,因此毫無意義。 –


template <class DataType> 
Array<DataType>::Array(int Size) 
    if (Size < 1) { 
     capacity = 1; 
     errorCode = 1; 
    else { 
     capacity = Size; 
     errorCode = 0; 
    }//This is missing 
    elements = new DataType [capacity]; 



非常感謝,這真的很奇怪,因爲Array代碼是由教科書提供的,但基本上固定了所有內容。 :) – Cyberhawk94


在實施Array(int Size)構造函數時,else的情況下缺少大括號}