由於某種原因,我的for循環不是從外觀看起來似乎。我通過在它內部放置一個echo語句來測試它,並且它不顯示,所以一定有什麼錯誤,也許是我的語法,但看了幾個小時後我看不到它。PHP for循環不進入循環
echo $completedstaffrows; // value of 5
echo $completedeventrows; //value of 4
echo "<br/>";
//For loop to enter the correct amount of rows as entered in the form
for ($i=0; $i > $completedstaffrows; $i++)
//Data not inserted into Staff table, FK given from dropdown on form to insert in linking table
$staffdata = array
'staff_id' => $this->input->post ('staff'.$i),
'procedure_id' => $procedurefk,
'quantity' => $this->input->post ('staff_quantity'.$i),
'quantity_sterilised' => NULL, //not implemented yet
$inserthumanresource = $this->db->insert ('hr', $staffdata);
echo "hello world"; // to test if for loop working
//For loop to enter all events rows completed by user
for ($i=0; $i > $completedeventrows; $i++)
//First input into "Medical Supplies" table
$medsupplies = array
'name' => $this->input->post ('supplies'.$i),
'manufacturer' => "Bruce Industries" //To be implemented
//Insert data into table
$insertmeds = $this->db->insert ('med_item', $insertmeds);
//Get med supplies foreign key for linking table
$medsuppliesfk = $this->db->insert_id();
//Then input into table "Event"
$eventdata = array
'time' => $this->input->post ('time'.$i),
'event' => $this->input->post ('event'.$i),
'success' => $this->input->post ('success'.$i),
'comment' => $this->input->post ('comment'.$i),
'procedure_id' => $procedurefk
$insertevent = $this->db->insert ('procedure_event', $eventdata);
//Get event fk for linking table
$eventfk = $this->db->insert_id();
//Linking table "Resources"
$resourcedata = array
'event_id' => $eventfk,
'medical_item_id' => $medsuppliesfk,
'quantity' => NULL, //Not implemented yet
'unit' => NULL
$insertresource = $this->db->insert ('resources', $resourcedata);
而答案來水浸 –