我有一個現有的Telerik AppBuilder應用程序,該應用程序在應用程序完成大修之前曾有工作通知。該應用程序使用科爾多瓦3.7.0,並試圖實施localnotifications插件,其源代碼可以在這裏找到:https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications。我使用Telerik的「已驗證插件」文檔中指定的說明安裝它。但是,它不再起作用。通過各種警報,警報(windows.plugins)和警報(cordova.plugins)始終未定義,警報(windows.plugins.notifications)及其所有排列都一樣。我看到其他回覆的回覆說,window.plugins總是未定義並且不推薦使用,但window.plugins。[PLUGIN_NAME]會存在。然而,這似乎並不是這種情況,而這反而打破了javascript。以下正在使用的當前代碼Cordova/Window.plugins undefined
define(['jQuery', 'base64'], function ($, base64) {
var that = this;
document.addEventListener("deviceready", function() {
}, false);
if (that.hasNotificationPlugin()) {
that.clearNotifications(function() {
console.info('Setting notifications');
// Schedule notifications for each day from the schedule
$.each(data.DeliveryDaysThisWeek, function (i, day) {
var dow = day.DayOfWeek;
// Schedule notifications for each store within a day
$.each(day.Stores, function (i, store) {
// Only schedule the notification if the user
// hasn't disabled notifications for this store
if (that.get('notification' + store.StoreId) !== 'false') {
var cutoffDate = new Date(store.CutOffDateTime);
var cutoffString = $.format.date(cutoffDate, 'h:mm a');
// Schedule it 30 minutes before the cutoff time
// or using the user defined time
var time = parseInt(that.get('notificationTime'));
if (isNaN(time)) {
that.set('notificationTime', "30");
time = 30;
var notifDate = new Date(cutoffDate.getTime() - time * 60 * 1000);
// Only schedule it if it's in the future
if (notifDate > new Date()) {
id: (dow * 100000 + store.DeliveryTimes[0].DeliveryTimeId).toString(),
date: notifDate,
message: "The cutoff time is almost up! Place your order by " + cutoffString,
title: store.Store.Restaurant.RestaurantName.trim(),
json: JSON.stringify({StoreId: store.StoreId}),
icon: 'icon'
that.alert(消息)是用於navigator.notificaiton.alert快捷功能(消息,假 「COMPANY_NAME」 )並且工作正常。